
Regular 55 gallon tank into breeder?

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I'm aboout to get a bearded dragon and all i have is a 55 gallon tank thats fairly narrow. I was thinking about taking it apart and using the peices to make a breeder size, or custom size. I know i will have to do some cutting. Has anybody tried this?




  1. The only thing that would be worth doing is making a wood cage with a glass front. Still, buying all the wood and sealing it will cost as much as a 20 long... and unless you did have that glass cut down, it would still be too tall for optimal heating.

  2. honestly i would say if you think yours is too small trade with someone or sell it on craigslist or something or build your own...i dont suggest using wood at all soaks up pee and poo and houses all kinds of crazy bacteria..i suggest plexi glass...unless you know someone who cuts glass or you cut it yourself you might find it cheaper just to buy a new one...or a used one..just make sure you clean it thoroughly and ask what it was used for like freshwater, saltwater, reps or what? As long as your beardie can turn around without hitting his tail on glass your cage is just fine..just make sure you have plenty of climbing and basking spots and some hiding spots too.

  3. By the time you find an appropriate glass cutter you may as well just build a custom tank. I built the recommended 4x2x2 foot wooden cage with glass front for less than 100 and it's the happiest my beardie has ever been. When i Built mine I didn't make a sliding door like the have in my source though but a door on hinges.

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