
Relationship problem... please help?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is very jealous and has serious trust issues. It gets so bad that sometimes that just conversing with friends is seen as cheating in his eyes. I don't wanna leave him cuz I love him but I don't know what to do.




  1. Maybe you could work on developing his trust by being really sweet to him, complement him, tell him things like he's the most gorgeous guy you've ever seen, he's the best in the sack, you love the way he...whatever, make a great dinner for him, romance him etc.  Just reassure him of your love for him, and build him up often. Make him know he's the only man for you, and reassure, reassure, reassure. (if that's the way you really feel). If you build his trust and restore his self confidence, he won't be as quick to accuse you of something because he'll know in his heart that he's the ONE for you! Good luck, babe. Pam

  2. It sounds like he doesn't have TRUST issues, he has CONTROL issues. If this escalates to him telling you to whom you can or cannot speak, when and where you can meet your friends or incessant questions about your whereabouts so that he can keep constant tabs on you, you're better off without him. Wouldn't you rather be with someone who asks "How was your lunchdate with so-and-so" rather than "what were your talking to HER about"?

  3. Love isn't real.

    Don't ask why.

    And if he's that temperamental, love or not, leave him.

    Soon he'll try to control you, and that won't be good at all.

  4. TALK things out with him. If that doesn't work, maybe you could consider to move on.

  5. This may sound like the 'typical' and 'same old' advice, but, talk. Because that is all that you can do, without doing something drastic, and nothing good will ever come of waiting around for problems to solve themselves.

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