
Relationship question ?

by  |  earlier

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is it bad to be 16 years old and never have had a proper relationship with a guy (sorry it sounds really pathetic doesnt it)

i mean i have had plenty of oppotunities but i just freak out and find things i dont like about the guy. also i worrie about everything and get embarressed really easily.

am i going to end up like one of those old ladys who live alone with 50 cats lol

do you think i will just like get over it as i get older

sorry its so petty





  1. hi,have you got a picture to show people,then you might get a better answer.

  2. no - you're 16

    some people don't have a 'proper' relationship until they are in their 30's, others start in their early teens. every one is different

  3. Aw honey, don't worry one bit.  You've got plenty of time to date.  Most high school relationships don't work out anyways.  I didn't find the right guy for me until I was almost 20.  I always thought I was going to be a crazy cat lady too!  You'll find your prince charming some day.

    Edit:  I don't think just because you've not yet had a good relationship with a guy means you're a L*****n.  I think it just means that you've not found the right guy yet.

  4. Haha, hon don't worry, I didn't have my first proper relationship until I was 18. I wasn't short of offers either but I was just waiting for my prince, and I found him! Been with him 7 years now so he was worth waiting for :)

    Edit, don't worry too much about it, you're obv just waiting for the right guy. I understand how you feel cos I felt the same when I was your age, I thought I should just give up and go out with the next "nice guy" who asked me out (but whom I found fault with anyway) cos I thought i was never gonna find someone perfect for me (but partly peer pressure as well), but be patient cos there will be someone out there for you sweetie x*x

  5. no your fine when you find the right guy then yeah but until then there isnt much point so dont worry your still young

    :D x

  6. It'not 'petty' at all.

    There will be a hundred answers to your question shortly.

    read them all but I bet they boil down to :

    Value the fact you are a free-thinking unique individual.

    Peer pressure in all its forms is just that - a consideration to be acknowledged.

    Take from it what is applicable to you at a moment in time and discard the rest.

    Be selective of situations according to personal choice and above all be safe.

    Yes Time Will Help..

    Best wishes.

  7. nah i dnt tink i matrs if u havnt had a relationship at 16, im 16 and iv had quite a few bt most of my mates havnt had any and they r no different to me. all these ppl are probly goin to tel u to grow up bt i tink ur question makes sese, ur jus woried lyk. believe me u wont turn into one of those creepy woman with 50 cats unless u choose to, wen ur older u will find a fella, u dnt need to hav fallen in love by 16, u hav the rest of ur life to wory bout that. hav fun at r age, its only ryt, lol


  8. I was exactly the same at your age i was sooo embarrassed if a boy even looked at me lol.

    Your not ready to have a bf yet and that's ok your to young anyway i think.

    You'll will however met a guy that u will be interested in when the times right. xx

  9. my first boyfriend was at 18, (lasted 4 weeks) didn't loose my virginity till i was 20 and married (to my second boyfriend) it wasnt through lack of opportunitynity or offers just through choice.

    there is nothing wrong with staying single till you meet a guy that blows ur mind, so much so that all the worries would just fade away. dont worry hunny. 16 is very young to be worrying about boyfs :O)


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