
Releif for arthritis

by  |  earlier

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has anyone got any suggestions of what might help ease the pain of father is on a lot of medication ..but is still in constant pain..any ideas would be appreciated ...thanks




  1. Your father should start taking green-lipped mussel supplement which you can get in any health food store. He won't see a difference immediately but within a month or so he should have less pain and stiffness. If it doesn't seem to be working, he could stop for a few days and he'll pretty quickly discover whether it was helping or not. The other possibility would be taking amitriptyline at night - this is very good for bone and nerve pain. He would need a prescription for this.

  2. Walmart has a lot of arthritis and joint supplements.  They are in the section with the vitamins.  Hope this helps.

  3. At Indian Food shop you will get "GUGAD"

    Have 1 TSP twice for 6 months

    If not

    Have 100 Grams jaggary heat it make liquide

    Add Dry ginger powder 30 grams - -

    Make 10 balls or may be 15 balls - -

    Have it 3 times a day - - - -

    Keep continue for 6 months all bone

    problems will go like Ziii p p p p p p  p

  4. Tylenol for Arthritis, gentle exercise, heat pack, and inflammation tablets. Massaging the joint's may also help. But other then that, he needs to see a doctor that specialists in Arthritis and bone/joint pains and conditions.

  5. Weed will help the pain work for me.

  6. Cherries are good for arthritis I know it sounds crazy but try it it works for my grandmother.


    Don't know what type of Arthritis he has but the above does work for Osteoarthritis.  It takes a while to get into the system, like 2 weeks.

    Percogesic is the strongest over the counter pain reliever that you can buy.  My pharmacist told me about it and I used it when I was out of pain medicine prescribed by the doctor.  It works.  

    Question here is I know he is on a lot of medicine but if he is in pain why isn't the doctor giving him something like Vicoden or Darvocet, or Percocet?  He could also discuss this with his doctor.  

  8. you can modified-reliase prednisone preparation taken at bedtime ( 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm ) was more effective than standart prednisone taken in the morning in controlling morning stiffness in ur father with rhematoid arthritis,,,

    i hope,,it can help your father problem,,,
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