
Religion without h**l?

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All religions have some kind of h**l / torture, either physical (forever burning) or mental (forever rebirth). I know that this h**l concept is powerful as a stimulant to make religious people avoid doing evils. However sometimes h**l is also used to threaten atheists and fellow believers which did not agree on some minor points alike. Can religion thrive without h**l? Is h**l the only reason for us to have religion? (that can be seen as 'h**l-worship' opposed to worshipping God). Let me know your say.




  1. I don't think the Jews have h**l. The new testament brought that concept in.

  2. Christianity thrives for our love to Jesus and we do not have to be worried about h**l at all. That is great!

  3. Honestly I never think of h**l as Jesus is to be trusted.

    I never tell others they are going to h**l as I have no right.

    As a Catholic I can honestly say I have never heard a sermon on h**l.

    Christians act out of Love not fear.

  4. Good point.h**l is overused as a threat,and it may be the reason why many people hate religion and more are starting to...because some people have used the term 'h**l' to threaten others.

    In my belief (Hindu),h**l isn't forever and its just like a small jail time.The focus however is on your soul's relationship with god.That no matter if you are in the higher spiritual planets,earth or h**l,your soul is able to always remember god no matter what,that's our idea of salvation.

  5. I reject your premise. Not all religions have a "h**l". Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, do not believe in h**l. Jews do not believe in h**l (at least, what you mean by "h**l").


  6. Well, you are very correct that the thought of h**l can be a very powerful tool.

    This bring up several controversial topics - Is telling your child they will burn in h**l if they do not go to church a form of child abuse? Are religious believers moral if the only reason for their morality is their fearfulness of a repercussion later (or after) life?

    No, I do not think religion could survive for very long without a fear for not believing. I still know some people who believe in God who will not dare God to strike them with lightning, even on a clear day, out of fear that God might do it.

  7. jews disagree with your basic premise

    edit: but as for christianity's attempts to control society, the answer is that there is absolutely no way that christianity, with all its paranoia and guilt, with all its blatantly anti humanist propaganda, could even exist much less thrive without h**l

    as to some of the apologetics here, remember that a central argument against atheism in this forum is that without belief  in the literal word of god there can be no morality...if we unpack this assumption it only stands to reason that if rationality were somehow able to convince the faithful that the bible wasnt written by god the united states would explode in mass rape and pillaging, and this would be done by the religious. think about it- atheists already know the bible is bull, and they're not the ones filling the prisons.

    fear of h**l is what keeps the lowest common denominator's nose clean. nothing more.

  8. I believe Zoroastrianism introduced the concept of h**l, I may be mistaken. But, from that, I think other religions found it quite interesting to scare people into following orders, so used it to their advantage. There are quite a few religions that do not believe in h**l.  

  9. I do not believe in h**l through my practice. I believe in the positive/negative energies of the earth and that our own energy joins with that when we die.., I do believe that some people need a form of mental self discipline to keep them from doing things that society thinks wrong. The concept of h**l is a more severe reminder to an adult to continue to do right, just as the concept of a time-out or spanking might be a reminder to a child to not act out and upset their parent(s)  

  10. Confucianism?

  11. Sweetie, Quakers are Christians and don't have h**l.  Also, we're the only ones who believe that peole are born good, not already full of sin.  Most of Americans' have a Quaker ancestor or two in this country.

  12. I think you answered your own question: Religions without the threat of h**l are rare and have few followers.


    1) Confucianism is not a religion as such.

    2) Hinduism has a h**l, and from what I read about it, it is hardly a 'small jail time', since the term apparently runs into the billions of years.

  13. the h**l we here of is a scare tactic created by the ruling class

  14. Not all religions have a life after this one.

    Please do not assume; it's offensive.

  15. My religion has nothing like a "burning h**l" hanging over our heads for punishment.

    I believe "h**l" is the common grave of mankind, because that is what the Holy Scriptures says happens when we die.

    I don't worship Jehovah God because I am afraid of what he can do to me.  I worship Him because I love Him & what he stands for & want to please him in return.

  16. no. religion is the only reason for you to not have h**l. i'm gonna go to the store now.  

  17. As a mormon I believe that the purpose of life is progression.  The more we learn on earth, the more we progress.  The more we prove our worth and our willingness to handle more and more truth the more we gain in our next life.  

    Its not about staying out of h**l, because most people will achieve some level of glory.  

    Its about earning the priviledge to become more and more like our Heavenly Father.

    I dont do what I do because I am afraid of h**l.  I dont believe a loving God works that way.  I do what I do so that I can become more like my Heavenly Father and gain the ability to reach my fullest potential as his literal child.

  18. My religion doesn't. The version of "h**l" in my religion, is a slightly warmer part of the Great Freezer(tm)  where everything costs low low walmart prices!

    By everything, i mean Xboxes, Beer, Pot, and of course, Taco Bell.

    Ice Cream is still free though.

  19. I do not have a relationship with God out of a fear of h**l. And I would hate to think that any believer does. While I do not question the existence or the conditions of the wrong judgment, that is not my incentive. Rather, the incentive remains the life that waits on the right side of judgment. I think you may be clouding the issue, and as you have presented it, yes, it would be "h**l worship', but that is not what it is about. While I have not yet come to any conclusion about "eternal damnation" regarding what waits there for those who choose that path, I do know that there will be no God there, and by virtue of that fact, it is not a place I wish to be. Be well.
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