
Relocating From america?

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I have decided if Mccain Wins the presidency Im leaving. Not only does he believe in being in iraq for 100 years but where do you think he's going to get the soldiers from im not going to be drafted....So to get back on topic can anyone name some Countries that would be AN easy transition from america...thanks in advance




  1. I can name a lot of them, but you need to speak a language besides AmeriKan to live in them... and HOW do you plan to work in another country?... You can't just go there and get a job, you know.!

    You are right about the draft... regardless of who wins the election, the Draft WILL be started up again in 2009... it's inevitable... they just haven't told the AmeriKans yet.

  2. Canada.  You'll still be able to enjoy your American television shows, movies, and music.  Also, if you're a doctor or engineer, you'll be able to drive a cab or scrub floors.  Good luck!

  3. You can't legally just move to another country

    You have to apply for immigration and it has to be done from your country

    And just because you want to move, doesn't mean the country you want to move to will want to have you.

    Maybe you should join the political arena and become part of your gov't and get them to stop messing in the affairs of other countries.

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