
Relocating to Australia

by Guest32746  |  earlier

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Hello, I need some advice. How hard would it be for my wife and I to find jobs in Australia? I am an undgerground coal miner and my wife is an Eary Education/Special Education teacher.

We would both love to move down there but not sure of how hard it would be to get jobs in our lines of work or what area would be best to look into. Any help and guidance is greatly appreciated.




  1. I say Mackay or Gladstone is your best bet for employment and even Perth, so check out the towns on google and see which one you like the best and go drom there.

  2. You shouldn't have any worries but if you want to check the job situation go to this address and just pick the state the town or city and the job and just look through them.

  3. Both of you should have no problem, especially you wife.  There is a shortage of teachers here. Have a look at the site. It will have a special calculator that you can see how many points you will need and how many points your jobs and other factors, (like speaking English) will have.

    Each criteria has so many points.  

    Good luck.

  4. With ease my friend!, the coal mining industry here is huge and always looking for people qualified or not.

    Also your wife would be fine getting a job too, im pretty confident on that. Move here!

    You and your wife are both in working feilds we have a shortage of!

  5. These are exactly the sort of jobs Australia has a serious shortage of workers in, loads of jobs available, take your pick.

    See for the details.

  6. You should find it quite easy. Queensland and Western Australia are in the middle of a mining boom at the moment, though I think a lot of our coal is open cut, you would have to check.

  7. OMG If you move to Western Australia, in the mines (coal, gas, oil, etc) you will be within the highest income families in Australia... they are paying more money than you know what to do with in WA at the moment for the miners... h**l I wish I had your skills right now

    Seriously, move to Western Australia and you and your family will be very, very wealthy

  8. Your first step should be to make sure you can get a work visa. Check the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) and the Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) to see the requirements for your wife's occupation. Yours isn't on there, but only one of you needs to qualify. (the SOL) (ASRI)

    She will also need to pass the points test:

    And you must both meet health and character requirements:

    All other information:

    There will be plenty of work all over Australia in your wife's profession, but if you want to stick to underground coal mining, you'll need to head for Queensland or NSW which are where the vast majority of  underground coal mines are located. Check out: (keyword 'coal')

    Googling will turn up more sites like the above.

    Good luck!

  9. Hi. You are definitely in the right industry if you are considering moving here, that goes for you and your wife. There are plenty of mining jobs in Australia!! I live in Western Australia, and I know a lot of people who do 'fly in fly, out work', and are paid exceptionally well. This country is in dire need of special ed teachers as well, I know this as my son is autistic and there is definitely a need for teachers in that area. I am sure you would have no problem finding a permanent home here. Good luck!!

  10. you would find it easy!

  11. well for you being a coal miner it would be easy for you to get a job here cos we have a very big coal mining industry here....your wife would'nt have a problem getting a job in her proffesion either.

  12. I cant see you having any hassles getting work here :P and we are the most bewdiful country in the entire world..LOLOL

    U might want to check that your wifes qualifications will get her a qualified job over here..a qucik email to, Im guessing the education department or some thing like that, would give u some answers :)

    Ill keep a beer cold for yas both maate :P lol

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