
Remove wax on surfboard?

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  1. It's a two step process for me.

    The first step is to remove the majority of the wax, by using a credit card or something similar.I usually find a cheap plastic card that some lame credit card company sent me. Scrape the card along the board at 45 degree angle. you'll take a layer of wax over. It will only take so much off. Do this all over the board, till the card doesn't work anymore

    The next step you need some sort of wax removers.

    I use a thing called the pickle.

    I've seen other things out there, never tried them.

  2. Scrape off the wax using anything you want - a plastic ruler, credit card, CD case, etc.  When you get the bulk of the wax off, let it sit in the sun for a few mins (not too long - just enough to soften the wax), then using some paper towels, use a little elbow grease to wipe away the last of the wax.  

    No harsh chemicals, no boiling hot water (quick to delam your board), and no special utility tools to get the wax off.  

    Be sure to put on a good base coat when rewaxing your board!

  3. lie it in the sun for the morning then go out and scrape it with a card or something. or you could just use a hair dryer like you said, but  the sunshine is definetly a better option.

    then you willl still have like little bits of yellowish wax, and you can pour boiling water over this and like rub off with a towel. but maybe pretend i didnt tell you that cause it could s***w your board depending.

  4. dont melt with hot water, dryer or leaving out in the sun heat and surfboard do not get along the sun and hair dryer will delaminate your board. Do this get a wax comb and scrape the majority of the wax off, you'll notice a really thin layer of dirty dingy color wax that you wont be able to get off by scraping. So to take that part off you need to buy something called a wax remover you get 2 cloths 1 to apply the wax remover with and the other to wipe the excess wax remover from your board (do this outside in a well ventilated area) This causes no harm to the board I've done it so many times to 3 of my boards on daily occasions to rid the seasonal wax coat.

  5. your first step as everyone else has said should be to scrape off as much wax as possible with some sort of plastic tool (credit card, wax comb, etc)  next you have two options, both of which have worked well for me in the past:

    first option: The "pickle" wax remover, works really well, isnt too expensive but can stain furniture (not that you should be playing with surf wax near your couch) it requires a little elbow grease and can be kinda crumbly

    second option: go out to the beach and lay the board in the sun for a few hours until the remaining wax melts.  once its melted take a whole bunch of sand and put it on top of the board.  rub the sand arround and brush it off, it should take the melted wax away with it, and its free.

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