
Removing my flash and running martingale..?

by  |  earlier

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so, as you've probably seen my (somewhat frantic) questions about the hunter show i'm going to be in, i have another issue.

I ALWAYS ride my horse with a flash nose band and running martingale. He used to have a tendency of running off with me, and he learned how to throw his head up, open his mouth and run.. but now i'm going to be in this show and you just can't use either of these. He hasn't bolted out of control with me in months, and at this point i can just sit through anything he does but i still use them "just in case". The flash is loose and the martingale looser then proper (though still very safe..)

I'll be in 2 o/f classes, and one flat class.

I can't decide how to go about removing them though, should i gradually remove them throughout the week, or just use them saturday schooling over fences and then not use them sunday during the show?

I have my opinion of whats better, but my old trainer would just take them off AFTER warming up for the show that day.. and i can't decide! I'll talk to my trainer about it tuesday, but if i'm gunna go gradual i should start tomorrow..

any insight appreciated!




  1. Your trainer should be most familiar with working with your particular horse, so I'd listen to her advice. However, if you're concerned about your horse tossing his head, you might want to invest in a standing martingale, which is allowed in O/F classes, but not on the flat. It'll be a safety net if you're concerned about him putting his head in the air and taking off.

    Additionally, I've started many young horses in flashes and removed them when they've relaxed. If you're riding out and your horse is listening and not grinding his teeth against the bit, I'd take off the flash then and continue on with the ride. I hesitate about trying it at the show just because the atmosphere will be tense, and I'd rather you have an idea of what his behavior will be like without the added stress and distractions of competition.  

  2. If your martingale is already loose, and he's not throwing his head anymore, he probably won't even notice when that'd gone, so I would just take it off before the class. You might want to warm up in it just in case he gets excited at first.

    The flash will be the biggest difference, so I think you need to gradually work on that. First take it off for flat work but put it back for jumping. If he does well with that, take it off for a whole lesson.

    It sounds like you've already got a pretty good idea of what to do. Just remember to calm down when you start taking things off. Don't let yourself get nervous about it because that will transfer to your horse.

    Good luck at your show!  

  3. Remove them right before you go into your class.  The distraction of the class will hopefully keep him from even realizing they are not there.  If you start removing them now, by the time the show happens, he'll be well into testing his new freedoms.

  4. Personally I'd switch the running martingale for a standing one as they are allowed in the hunter ring so you'd still have a bit of extra help. If all goes well with the standing martingale take off the flash and see how it goes. Worst case senario, leave the flash on until you're about to walk in the ring and take if off.

  5. Remove them completely and see how it goes. Ride him in an enclosed space.  If he tries to run, turn him in a tight circle; don't let him get away.  Work him in circles and you relax, don't hold your breath. You can tighten your noseband up pretty well and he should get the idea.  Keep your hands down low by his withers and you should be fine.  Don't be afraid to go with out these artificial aids. You control him. Turn him if he tries anything.  Have fun at the show.

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