
Renaissance people vs. midieval people?

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How are the mind set and attitudes of Renaissance people different from the mind set and attitudes of Medieval people?

plz help!!!




  1. Boy was that answer on Midieval times off base!

    It was through both Islam and Catholicism that art, literature and science was kept alive.

    The Fall of the Roman Empire started the whole process and then invading armies started to take over various areas.

    Just about everyone was invading.  Persians, Scandinanvians, Portugeue, etc.  Ports were blocked, commerece halted because of highway robberies and pillaging by barbarians.

    There was an unrest of government.

    Then came the Crusades and that made it even worse.

    But by the 10th century the Arabic numbering system was replacing the Roman system with decimals, logarithms, algebra, etc.

    After the Anglox and Saxons and Vikings and Persians and Chinese and German's had all stopped invading and waring to divde up the Western Roman empire that Renaissance started.

    With the end of all these wars and peace and no more colonization and imperialism on such a broad scale things began to change.

    The Feudal system was dying with things like the Magna Carta and Lords of Parliament in England.  And the start of the Reformation or Protestant movement.

    PEople were starting to feel like they had a future and weren't just slaves, servants, indentured military people.

    Education was starting to reach more than the Royals and Clergy.

    Reference in the other answer was made to the Church and it's hold, but that hold remained.  Most of the Aristans of the Rennesance period were doing religious paintings.

    If you wanted to earn a living you had to be employed by the Royal Courts or the Clergy, as they had all the major money, except for the banks and money lenders and they had no use of paintings in their hallways.

    Doctors and Business Owners (Burgers) were well to do, but they weren't the type of commission something from DaVinci

    As commerce reopened and people started travelling freely again because firm governments with treaties and relations between countries existed one could go to the monstaries and schools of learning and read books again.  One could visit places in Italy and be awestruck by the architeture and landscapes.

    They well to do could send their children to foreign colleges.

    You would have to view the Dark Ages through Middle Ages as 8,000+ years of WORLD WAR II type situation.

    Except it wasn't against one person but a dozen or more factions in various areas each trying to get a foothold by invading, pillaging and stopping commerce.

    Then you had the middle East conflict which has been around since 8 AD and all centers around Jerusalem and everyone wants control or access to it.

    Was this religious, yes it was, but it wasn't the only front, just a major one.

    There were conflicts in Indo-China

    There were conflicts in Portegual, Spain, Italy.

    There were conflicts in the britians and Germay and Austria.

    Once all these conflicts subsided people just go on with their business, because there were no more invasions to do, no more invasions to defend from.

    Cities were WALLED back then to prevent invasion.  Paris was a WALLED CITY.

    The Chinese were buidling their wall.

    It was about forced isolationism due to invaders, plunderers and Conan the Barbarin types.

    Once all this subsided down to a dull roar, people started travelling again, started commerce to other cities, exporting, sea travel and started schooling in distant lands.

    Freedom from the worries of oppression led to freedom to be you and me.

    So if we can view the Midievil times as one long World War II we can view the REnnesance as Happy Days, the 1950s, the birth of suburbanism

  2. There are many books on this very subject- the main difference would be the hold that the church had on the thoughts & daily lives of people. Also the laws concerning property- during the medieval times the church was infalable & property was counted more than life. Crimes against property were capitol crimes not so crimes against people. Also in medieval times peoples lives were by the seasons of nature & litergy of the church. Regular people didn't count time in hours & were illiterate.

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