
Renting from homeowners?

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I'm renting a place for the first time and the home owner decided not to use an agency to carry out the process. I'm wondering what I should look out for or what I should ask because my mom is going to be my co-signer (I'm in college) and I don't want to worry about anything bad happening..




  1. Read the rental contract carefully and be sure you understand and agree with everything.  If not, negotiate changes before you sign it.

    Also be sure you and the landlord do a walk-through together before you move in.  Note any preexisting damage, such as burn marks, stains, bad scratches, on the report.  This can be just a piece of paper but both parties need to sign, date it, and have a copy.  If there is anything that needs repair, get it in the writing.

  2. Are you renting a house or apartment?  You can only have so many people living in a house or apartment; based on the square footage and the # of bedrooms. How well do you know the people that will be living with you?? By law all tenants over 18 years have to have their name on the rental agreement.  

    What happen if one people does not have their share of the rent?? Who is going to put the money in for them?? The rent is not consider paid unless the full amount is paid on the due date.  

    I had three girls renting an apartment once, and one decided that she was going to move in with her friend to save money.  The other two girls could not afford to pay the rent without her being there.  Very nice girls but I had to evict them for non-payment of rent.  

    Before you decide to let them move in, go visit their house and see if they keep it the same way as your house.  Are they lazy, party animals, smokers, allots of company coming and going.  What are the rulers about company coming over at night during the week?

    There are many things to think about other in the condition of the unit.  Take pictures of the unit before you move in , and when you move out you have proof.

  3. Dear friend to rent one good and comfortable  visit my website.


    Thank you

  4. Are they drawing up papers?  You probably can find a lease agreement at one of the office supply stores or online.  Gives you a good outline to protect you and the homeowner.  

    How much deposit, 1st, last, security?  When is rent due? Late charge?  How long is lease? After that month to month? Can they raise the rent after the 1st lease is done?  How much notice do you have to give them and how much notice do they have to give you to get out.  

    Renting by yourself or will you have roomates? do they have to be on lease? what is one moves out? etc.

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