
Reporting animal abuse....what to do!?!?

by  |  earlier

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There's a man who lives behind my house so I have a good view of his backyard (sounds dodgy, right?) But he has a dog that I just noticed as I hardly ever go on my veranda during the day. Anyway it appears to be a Staffy cross Border Collie from what I see but I could be wrong. I saw the dog about a week ago and it had blue thick tape taped around its mouth and looked like a bag of bones! I tried to tell the police but they said I needed to document it or provide proof!?!?!? I've written up a factual report and dated photos I took of the dog....I did all this this morning as I am huge on animal rights and the dog looks worse every day.....last night I heard the dog 'crying' and sounded like it was being bashed up? (MIGHT BE WRONG ABOUT THAT) WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW???

The owner hasn't been back in a couple of days so I took off the tape after photoraphing the poor dog and gave him water and some of my dogs dog food.....but I had to keep him in his back yard.

I'm 16 and live my friend but she doesn't seem fussed.....HELP!!! There isn't an RSPCA near where I live. WHAT DO I DO???




  1. Call the RSPCA, you've done well documentating, taking photos and all. Good on you for helping the dog. It would be easier if you said where you lived

  2. Try calling the police and reporting it as a crime. When/if they tell you to contact an animal shelter, ask them to direct you to the correct shelter to contact. A better solution might be this: You could take your documented proof (the report, pictures, etc) down to the police station and asking to speak with a detective/officer. Then show them the evidence you have gathered and explain all the work you have done and how through you have been in your documentation of the situation. This might make a more significant impact on the person you are speaking with and they might feel more compelled to take some sort of action. Good luck!

    Oh, and do NOT go grab the dog and bring it home with you unless you feel it is in imminent danger, as you could be charged with theft. Also, if the dog is this abused, it is unlikely that the dog has had decent vet care and could bring illnesses into your home which could harm your current animals.

  3. Thats horrible!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!

    You can call RSPCA, I'm sure they wouldnt mind coming out there.

    If they do mind, ask them where to call, there professionals, they will know.

    Thanks for helping/saving an innocent life.

    EDIT: WAIT! I just thought of something!

    Take the dog to your local animal rescue/humane society, and tell the neighbor the dog must have ran away/you havnt seen the dog.

    Look up the closest rescue online.

  4. There HAS to be an animal shelter in your area. You are documenting this poor animal being abused and I want you to do SOMETHING more than just feeding him. If there is NO animal shelter in your area (and that is a load of **** if you say there isn't) then unhook that dog and take him home with you and take care of him. If the d**k that owns him calls the law, you have PROOF of neglect and the cops will NOT allow him to have that dog! That dog is going to die unless YOU stand up for him and talk for him. And if you don't, you may as well put a gun to his head and shoot him. If you are for animal rights---DO SOMETHING NOW. I feed about 12 cats plus my own cat---------the least YOU can do is give him a voice.  

  5. if the police won't do anything contact ya local humane society or the next one closest to where you live!

  6.    There must be a humane society or rescue group of whatever breed around.  Or - take some videos/pics of the dog and bring it to a TV staion.  Or a well-listened to radio station.  The more noise from YOU the better.   Where are your parents?  Did you tell them?

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