
Republicans vs. Democrates?

by Guest61300  |  earlier

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Here are some of the questions i have about republicans and democrats.

1. what do Republicans believe in?

2. what do democrats believe in?

3. How do Repulicans decribe Democrats?

4. How do Democrates describe Republicans




  1. 1. Lower taxes, smaller government

    2. higher taxes, government programs to help the poor

    3. "libs," "dems," "socialists," and all kinds of other degrading terms that only reflect the low intelligence of the one using them.

    4. Instead of using derogatory terms for democrats as a whole like the republicans, the "dems" tend to use derogatory terms for each individual republican, like "McSame," or "Paultard."

  2. 1. what do Republicans believe in?  Deficit spending and tax cuts

    2. what do democrats believe in?  Deficit spending and tax hikes

    3. How do Repulicans decribe Democrats? Socialists

    4. How do Democrates describe Republicans?  Fascists.

  3. as far as describing, a democrat would describe a republican as someone who is close-minded and not open to change. also as someone who is eager to make war instead of first trying to make peace. that is just a little of what i would describe a republican as

  4. 1. Protecting our soil, economic freedom, "traditional" values

    2. Protecting the environment, social freedom, "change"

    3. They say they're evil incarnate and the cause of all the problems in the U.S.

    4. They say they're evil incarnate and the cause of all the problems in the U.S.

    Kind of ironic, eh?

  5. You may want to learn to spell the parties' names before you define them

  6. The Republican party is based on a belief in a government by law. They believe that laws should be made by select group of professional lawmakers who act as stewards of society. They believe in uniformity of laws for the entire nation. Republicans appear to be less unreceptive of different views. Where finance is concerned Republicans prefer not to raise taxes, but to borrow money by issuing bonds. They also current support the "trickle down" theory of supply side economics where taxes are reduced on the wealthy with the benefits theoretically trickling down to the less wealthy.

    The Democratic Party is founded in a belief in a government by the people.They believe that individual state and local governments should make laws that address state and local issues.The believe that the lawmakers should be servants to their constituency. Democrats appear to be too accommodating of different views. Economically, Democrats believe in reducing government debt, even if it means removing tax shelters from the rich.

    Republicans describe Democrats as liberal, which they interpret as having no self-control. Republicans see the Democrats as favoring socialism, anarchy and weak on nation defense.They describe Democrats as weak, whiny and stupid.

    Democrats often view Republicans as militaristic, imperialistic war mongers that favor the wealthy and ignore the poor. They describe Republicans as stupid, self-centered and greedy

  7. 1) Making rich richer. Destroying the Earth.

    2) Help the poor (like Jesus), Helping the disabled and  supporting education.

    3) Braindead.

    4) Rock Stars.

  8. 1. Republicans believe in truth and beauty

    2. Democrats believe in mass hysteria and destruction of the soul

    3. Republicans describe Democrats in the kindest of terms

    4. Democrats describe Republicans with nonsensical teenage jargon.

  9. Let's simplify this.  Republicans believe what they see.  Democrats see what they believe.

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