
Required approval to join.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious about this are ppl more pron to join a group that automatically lets you join.Or one that requires approval from the owner?Does it have any effect on if you'll join that group or not?

And how do you feel about being in a group that sends out tons of mail a day?

lol I'm just being curious here .




  1. Imagine that you started a club in your town, or were a member of a club. Say, a gardening club. Wouldn't you want to know something about a person before letting them join? Do they really have an interest in gardening, or are they just looking for someone to date? Do you see where I'm going with all this? There are alot of nuts out there. Don't be offended if you are asked some questions first. It's normal. Some groups use "approval first", some don't. No big deal. Yes, I would join a group whether they did approvals or not. I don't have anything to hide. About the tons of emails: read the ones u have time for, delete the rest.

  2. I've joined both and don't find any difference.  if there is too much mail I just change the settings to a daily digest. Go to the group, click edit membership along the top. In the next window scroll down and uncheck where it says individual email then you can check pick up your mesages at the site, receive a daily digest or no email. Click save changes.

  3. restricted groups help keep spammers out, as well as new member moderation. if it were me, and from what I have seen answering questions, either an open group or restricted memebrship doesn't effect if some one wants to be a member or not. it also seems lately spammer have used up all the open membership groups and are going for restricted.

    a restricted group to me, means the owner is proactive and cares about who joins their group. an open group to me means a free for all.

    my groups have high volume posts. I send a file to pending members explaining the group(s) generate alot of posts, definitions of the mail choices and instructions on how to reset their mail choice.

    *** my members would never be able to limit their posts to 4 a day LOL! but each group is different and for different purposes. the thing is, members can change to digest or no mail so a limit of posts per day can be more controlled by the member themselves.

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