
Respect women.?

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I am just another dude who cares.

Why are men becoming less respectful to women? In some part of the world - UK, USA etc. s*x scandals have been increasing rapidly. Video taping and other technologies are being use to threaten the victims to engage in more unwilling s*x scandals. What are ways to prevent them? People nowadays are becoming smarter in an evil way. Investigating is becoming more and more challenging. More and more women are becoming slaves to this problem. Do you have any suggestion to the government? Voice them all out.




  1. Generally people are becoming less respectful to others. Moreover women are becoming more and more like men in looks and behaviour. Even physically their b*****s are becoming smaller and waists larger.

    God made women different from men and the must respect god. Instead, they challenge men in every field whether it suits them or not. Men see them more and more same and less and less different. So the treatment too must change.

    If women have to be respected more, they must develop differences and not similarities with men.

  2. . Do NOT put women on a Pedestal! They got to carry their own weight. They're actually not much better than a weak guy with no dic.

    But they don't need a guy to feel sorry for them.

  3. Here's an interesting way to think about that another way:

    Some might say that we are not becoming less respectful to women, if you look at the media publicising more and more scandals, you may say that it is more news worthy if a scandal arises. In some instances in the past some of these things would not have been a story because they were common place. Today the media makes and example of them. The fact that it makes the news rather than the latest famine or bombing means that it is something society is taking very seriously.

  4. I suppose you would start educating the younger generation just the way we educate them now about drugs and smoking, pregnancy, etc. It would have to start with the parents. If I had children I would definitely teach and explain all those things I mentioned and then recruit them in a self defense classes like kick boxing so they can defend themselves when they have to. ;)

  5. There is a very simple answer to your question: men are less respectful to women because women are less deserving of respect. For example, in today's world, women curse just as much, if not more, than men; women are more and more taking on more sexual partners; women are allowing men to disrespect them by knowingly allowing them to cheat with other women; women are not the same mother figures to their children that they used to be, and the list goes on and on. Why should men respect women if we more and more and showing that we do not respect ourselves.
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