
Respond to this quote . .?

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I need alittle help. This is a college english question that i'm pretty stuck on. I have NO idea how to "respond" to this quote.

The assignment is--respond to the following quote ::

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

-- Malcolm Forbes

It's supposed to be 250 words.

ANY ideas will help as i have NONE, i'm SO bad at this kinda thing !

Thanks in advance.

**most ideas gets BEST ANSWER !




  1. Education can unite or divide us.  Was there anything in your own educational experience that opened doors for you or helped you relate in a new way to those around you?   Any teachers or professors that changed your outlook on the world because of something specific they taught you...  How have you changed because of what you've learned so far...HOPE THIS IS USEFUL..

  2. Talk about how education has affected your life, have you had any special accomplishments (spelling bees, mock trials, etc.)? See if you can do some research on Malcolm Forbes (he's a huge publisher) and talk about if you think education has helped him reach where he is today. Say what you think life would be like if there were no teachers and schools. Hope I helped! :)

  3. basically i would go ahead and write down how you or students learn or come out of school changed, what i'm getting from the quote is someone who came in to school clueless or unknowing and came out knowing or more open to knowledge.

  4. It means that the only way to truly change things in the world is through education.  Ignorance, like racism, will always be there until we educate our children as to how horrible and wrong racism is.  Through education, each generation will get better and better.  A good analogy would be how horribly African Americans were treated in the "old South" days as opposed to how things have changed in the present.  You can cite people like Obama-it doesn't matter who you are voting for, it's the point that an African American is running for president-also Candoleeza Rice is another great example, Clarence Thomas another.  The "empty mind" of slavery days is being replace with an "open mind" like that of today.  This is what education can do for people.  The next generation will have an even better "open mind"  again through educating people-especially children-about equality for everyone.  

    This is an example for you.  I hope it helps to get you started.  

  5. First of do you define education. Most think of education as the process through which one learns new ideas. We are all born without pre conceptions of what society is ...apart from what is innate...we know nothing at all. But one might also say, aren't there adults who didn't receive an education, but they do in fact have ideals? This is where one draws the line, as to what education is. There are different forms of education that all serve the purpose of edifying the being. Books by no means are able to teach each and everything and as a result one must broaden ones sphere of learning so as to become more refined and cultured a.k.a. well educated. I do believe that this quote is about a school education...which does teach the ideas of the world, but lacks the experience to go with it. One has to pursue both realms at once...the lack of or limited social education leads to ignorance which sometimes becomes racism...on the other hand there are many people who did not receive a school education, but are often so witty that they can out think any book rat. Your goal is to narrow down the definition of education...because the word education is indeed a broad term. Education teaches a though process, one that allow one to come up with different derivatives to a particular problem. It makes you more aware that there are multiple ideals and ideas can in fact exist simultaneously.  Once you do that, you should no problem proving your case. Good Luck!

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