
Resturant Grutuity?

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  1. Have a good look at the bill (or 'check' if you are American) to make sure that a service charge has not already been whacked on as a matter of course.

    I've come across it a few times. Give them something if they derserve it and balls all if they don't.


  2. depends entirely on the service given..  anywhere from 0-25% - usually it falls in the 15-20 range..  but remember that this percentage is based on the full value of your bill not the bill after discounts like happy hour or late night menu or coupons..  these rates are for table service or carhop service..  for bar I usually tip $1-2 per drink and for take out approx 10% since they rarely give you good service with takeout

  3. 15% is normal. But with the economy is shambles I would tip 20%. Servers make under minimum wage and rely on tips for most of their money. The minimum wage here is 6.75 Servers made 3.00

  4. If the service was good, tip about 18%. If not so good maybe 10%. If it was bad and the servers fault, still leave a little something, but don't sit with them again! The bottom of your check will tell you if tip was already included, but most places only do that if you have a lot of people sitting at the table.

  5. don't listen to Jessica.

    i've waitressed and tended bar all my working life. even if i have lousy food but a great server...i'll tip 50%. if i have a rude server, he or she won't get a penny. i don't "run" my servers, but i expect a check back on my table and extra napkins if i ask. i over tip because i know what it's like. i think people should at least tip 25-30%.

  6. Waitresses are a major source of funding for Al Qaeda. Don't give them any more of your money!!!!

  7. Why do people often think there is some kind of rule about the 'mystery of tipping'? It's so simple. If the service is excellent, give what you think the waiter/ress deserves. If the service is okay, give less. If it's bad, give nothing. If it's absofukinlutely dire, give 1p/1cent.

    I love the look on the face of a lousy waiter/ess if, as some low-grade restaurants do, they already add an "optional" service charge on, and I take it off if the service does not warrant it. It's common sense. Exceptional service = hefty financial reward. Lousy service = no reward.

    I, along with the majority of the world's working population, do not get a 'tip' for a job well done.

  8. 15-20% if the service was good....slightly more if the service was above great....slightly less if the service wasn't good (I try not to go below 10%)

  9. People generally say 15%, but I always leave 10%. We only give God 10% in church, so why give waiters and waitresses more?

  10. Tipping should be based completely on service given. The most I will ever tip is 12%-15% and that is for outstanding service. I normally only do a 10% though since most servers anymore just expect it and dont care about service.

  11. In the US, we tip 15% to 20% of the bill before tax.   Less for poor service, more for great service.  Round up.  Be generous if you can, and ALWAYS BE POLITE!  The person who waits on you has a hard job!

  12. Well, I used to be a server. I always start my tip at 20% as I walk in the door, but that could either go up or down. If I get good prompt service I will give a good tip. Also, I base it too if the restaurant is slammed pack or if there are only a few tables in the restaurant. If I have to wait longer for a drink refill on a Saturday night, I will be more understanding, where as if I had to wait on a Monday morning.  If I end up having horrible, rude service I will leave 10%. So I will tip anywhere from 10-25%. Sometimes even 30% if I had a cheap meal and good service! But that is just me!

  13. 15-20%

  14. I work as a waitress, and we figure 15% for breakfast and lunch, and 20% for dinner. Of course, if the service was good, then tip more, if the service was bad or poor, then tip less.

    And it's always nice to compliment the waitress too. Besides tipping of course. We love to hear compliments!!!

  15. 10%

  16. I'm a server and where I work, we expect 10%, but most of the time I tend to get 20% tips and sometimes even more. If the service was bad, I would still leave about 10% as long as the server actually brought my my food and took my order, and rather than punish them by not tipping, I would ask to talk to their manager about the poor service.

    Now this next part is not directed towards the person asking the question, but mostly the people who suggest leaving no tip.

    I get really annoyed though when people have the mentality of "Well I don't get a tip at my job when I do well!" Guess what? We make $3.50 an hour. That gets taxed. We also get money taken out of our $3.50 hourly wage for our uniforms, aprons, and those books we get to write the orders in. Also, we have to give a percentage of our net sales to the hosts/hostesses AND the bartender. That being said, the majority of our income depends on what is left for us at our tables. I'm assuming that at another type of job that doesn't allow you to take tips or commission, you're making at least $7.65 an hour and you don't have to give a portion of your pay to your coworkers. If you don't want to pay the person serving you, eat at home or get fast food.

    In matters of gratuity, where I work the POS system automatically adds 18% gratuity whenever 8 guests or more are entered at a table. This is not something the server adds to the check, but if a table really has a problem with it, the manager can scan their card and THEY have power to take it off the check.

    The whole point of gratuity being added on is that it is difficult for a server to handle larger groups of people and sometimes it takes up more than one of our tables, so we really can miss out on lots of tables and tips when we are taking care of one big group.

    Thanks for asking!

  17. normally I'd say 15 but i depends also on how you are treated plus five or minus five and if they treat very rude or even if they forget your there id say 0 !!!

  18. Atleast 15%, I usually tip 20% and I generally round up.  

    Just to let you know I have been a waitress before where my hourly wage was $2.13 an hour.  

    Also remember that everything isn't the servers fault actually most of it isn't.

    If you are part of a large group make sure that you are tipping or that someone is.  I think some people are not aware of how much servers make or maybe they think someone else is picking up the tip--be the bigger person and pick up the tip.  I always do--my inlaws tip $1 or $2, it is embarrassing so when they leave I put down more money.

    I went to Hard Rock Cafe last week and on the bill it had a note about gratuity being 18%, hmmm... I always thought it was 15%--maybe gratuity is getting higher in more desparate times--however it seems that waitresses are making more money by the hour then when I was a server---people are saying 3.50 and when I worked it was 2.13.
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