
Resume/CV Question...?

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I'm 18 years old, I'm writing a resume but a little confused with the correct or professional format. I have searched through many websites including Mic.Office.

* I'd like to know whats the correct way to write up a Resume, and how do I add the experience history I've had including community service, and volunteer work?

Basically I didn't finish High School because I was traveling and lost credits that I'm currently making up. I've had work experience with an organization since I was 16, and before that a lot of experience with community work, and projects, including present time volunteer service for Department of State- Passport Services.

*How do I include community service/ or volunteer work? Is that professional or formal?




  1. Hi! First of all, congrats on making a difference to your community, and on taking the time to make a resume.  I have been a restaurant manager who hires for about 14 yrs. and have looked at many many resumes.

    The template does not matter so much as the content; and the content matters if you word it correctly.  Volunteer work and community service count as "work" and should be listed as such.  Check out this link on how to do just that.

    Basically it says to focus on the work in the title part of the resume and ignore that it was unpaid, or volunteer. For example if you did construction of a church, you did construction.  If you validated citizenship then you worked for the U.S. government in the capacity of validating citizenship.  It is still WORK experience and you do not have to put down salary.  

    All a manager wants to know at this stage is are you responsible and have you been in a work environment before... so we know you understand that it is important that you show up and do what you are paid to do.

  2. I've been working for close to 20 years now. I've done a number of resumes and now I am one of those who conducts interviews and go through resumes. Keep your resumes simple and straight to the point. The contents should be well-composed such that it clearly shows your experience as related to the position that you are applying for.  Also, keep in mind that employers and managers, myself included, are more impressed with one-page resumes that are full of substance instead of multi-page resumes with nothing in it.

  3. you start by telling what your objective is use the job you want like My objective is to work as a clerk

    then put your work exp. use the places you voluteered as work exp with people names start date end date and address city and state zip under that put what u did tell about the job lik i typed answer phone next put education where you went to school and any other training u have then put your hobbies make sure they relate too the job and next refences people that can tell how you worked  most time it is some one u worked with.(if you have it look at ms word it has template on formate
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