
Resume (References) Question?

by Guest63158  |  earlier

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I have an job interview tomorrow. Do I need to take a list of my references? If so, do I staple the list on to the rest of my resume, should I number the pages, and if so, do I also number the reference page? What corner should I put the page number on (right or left)? THANKS :)




  1. Cardinal rule regarding REFERENCES.

    NEVER, I mean NEVER list or attach references to a resume. Period.

    Have them available on a separate sheet and provide such ONLY when asked. Most prospective employers DO NOT ask for the references because they are usually people who will ONLY say good things about you. So calling them is a waste of time. More information can be obtained from your employment references concerning your reliability for the job, honesty and responsibility.

    I hope your resume is only ONE page long. Another cardinal rule: resumes are geared to GET YOU THE INTERVIEW. Period. YOU must verbally provide any explanation of your jobs.

  2. You should have the list with you but don't expect the employer to ask for it. They will usually ask for these on the application if there is one. Also, make sure you put a line on your resume that says "References available upon request". No page numbers. Your resume should only be a single page unless you have 20 years of experience or something. The references should be a seperate page with no numbering required and should include references pertinent to your profession. One reference should be an employer or superior, another should be a peer or someone equivalent to the position you had and finally include someone who worked under you. If this isn't available include another superior. Make sure these people know ahead of time so they aren't caught off guard. Good luck and be confident.

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