
Revenue Maximize word Problem?????

by  |  earlier

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A manufacturer has been selling 1150 television sets a week at 510 each. A market survey indicates that for each 14 dollar rebate offered to a buyer, the number of sets sold will increase by 140 per week.

a) Find the demand function p(x), where x is the number of the television sets sold per week.

b) How large rebate should the company offer to a buyer, in order to maximize its revenue?

c) If the weekly cost function is 97750 + 170 x, how should it set the size of the rebate to maximize its profit?




  1. a)

    (p - 510)/(x - 1150) = - 14/140 = - 1/10

    p - 510 = - 0.1(x - 1150)

    p - 510 = - 0.1x + 115

    p = 625 - 0.1x


    R = px

    R = 625x - 0.1x^2

    R = - 0.1(x^2 - 6250x + (3125)^2 - 9,765,625)

    R = - 0.1(x - 3,125)^2 + $976,562.50

    p = $625 - $312.5 = $312.50

    rebate = $510 - $312.50 = $197.50 for max revenue


    P = 625x - 0.1x^2 - 97,750 - 170 x

    P = - 0.1(x^2 - 4550x + 977,500)

    P = - 0.1(x^2 - 4550x + 2275^2 - 5,175,625 + 977,500)

    P = - 0.1(x - 2275)^2 + $419,812.5)

    r = $510 - $625 + $0.10(2275)

    r = - $115 + $227.50

    rebate = $112.50 for max profit

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