
Riddle solving... help!?

by  |  earlier

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well i recieved this on my channel on youtube and i got curious...

whats the answer?

the post:

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the correct answer?




  1. Time, sounds great!

  2. your missing a line.

    Can you guess the riddle?

    the answer is NO

  3. It's TIME.

    It's based on a poem called Time by an unknown author.

    The time has come,

    winter is here

    and those yellow bears disappear.


    (The pressure of the cold air makes the yellow fur thicken and turn white.)

    The time has past

    as man looks back with a sigh

    and a tear in his eye.

    (Who doesn't cry over memories and lost time?)

    As time is held

    boys cross their legs

    but of course the toilet begs

    (Guys can't hold their pee for long.)

    As time marches on

    Girls loose their blush

    and swap a comb for their brush

    (The more we age, the finer our faces become and the thicker our hair gets.)

    As time passes

    For those held high

    their end is nigh

    As time catches up

    Everyone is equal

    when we get to the final sequel

    (Plastic surgery can only do so much and eventually, we 'normal' people will look better than celebrities do.)

    As time turns

    Without it we have flour and water

    With it we have breakfast for my daughter

    (The longer you leave the pancake batter on the skillet, the browner it gets.)

    As time revolves

    into something so fine

    (Any wine or champagne takes time to cure and become better.)

    As time runs out

    The more in a minute you try and squeeze

    the less you can do with ease.

    (The more activity you try and squeeze into a moment, the less time you will actually have and then it's a bubble burst, in a flash.)

    As time ticks

    All the time that has past

    man cannot comprehend something so vast.

    (When we're older we will look back and wonder where all the time went. It's impossible to comprehend all of the moments we missed.)

  4. TIME!

  5. Time

  6. the answer is NO as this was the answer given by the KG students.

  7. hmmm...its a song XD thats why kindergarden students figured it out huh are getting challenged to use 1% of brain darn

    hmmm... its no i cant

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