
Riding the school bus....?

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okay im starting high school as a fresh man and none of my friends are riding the bus but this is the first year i have to but a guy told my bf a bunch of stuff happens in the back of the bus and sometimes near the front and i really dont wont to ride the bus but i have no choice what should i do?




  1. It's a school bus, what the **** is going to happen?

    Seriously, unless your driver is brain dead and deaf, chances are they'll notice if something is going on.

    Have fun little freshie.

  2. I had this problem to.

    Bring some sort of music device and listen to that the whole way, texting a friend also helps since you are not just sitting there.

    Find a seat that was open with no one in it, or someone who has a musical device or is not really talking to anyone or not doing anything. Get a movie on your music thing is helpful to, so your not bored.

    The bus isn't that big of a deal you don't have to make friends or be polite jsut sit and do your own thing.  

  3. lol you're funny. so young and naive

  4. I had no friends riding my bus last year either in 7th grade.And sometimes fights happen...I was a bit paranoid at first. You know thinking someone would just punch me in my face and give me a black eye or I happen to be wearing earrings and someone would go over and rip them out. They kind of scared me at first but no one did anything to me. After awhile some became my friends or some just talk to me every once in awhile and weren't as scary as I thought they were. As long as you don't ask for trouble or do and say things that would make them want to beat you up you should be fine. Best of luck with freshman year!


  5. All I can say is just don't get involved in the activities that happen that you don't feel comfortable with. Sit in the middle where nothing is happening.

    Also maybe catch a ride with your friends.

  6. Pshh, it'll be fine.

    I mean it's freshman year.

    what are a bunch of freshmans gonna do on a bus going to school?

  7. the bus is not so bad unless there is a bunch of stoners in the back don't do any thing dumb like join them . if you stay with your friends and go as you would usually then nothing will happen.

  8. The buses have a bad rep, but theyre really not that bad.

    the people on them smell kinda bad but thats it.

    Just sit wherever you want and if someone wants to sit next to you they will.

    You dont have to talk to them if you dont want.

  9. I feel your pain....

    My bus driver is honestly the most wicked person I know.

    and the kids that ride it are creepers.

    Just sit in the very front. Or just carpool with a friend or something.

  10. i think ull b fine.  but you can always walk or get a ride with ur friends.

  11. I'm in high school and I take the bus.  Nothing goes on.  The juniors and seniors usually get rides from their friends or drive themselves, so it's mostly freshmen and sophomores on the bus.  I mean the occasion girl practically having s*x with her boyfriend in the backseat will happen eventually, but besides that the ride is usually quiet. It's just the bus.  You're on it for what, 15 minutes?

  12. haha oh i remember my bus back in eighth grade.

    SO much happened in the back...well not really...i mean there was drama but it wasnt like people were 'doing it' and stuff haha

    and unless you have a deaf or blind driver (which i'm praying you don't) nothing bad will happen.

    stay away from weird kids because no matter where you go there will be peer pressure.

    bring your ipod and like a magazine.

    people will leave you alone.

    if people try to bug you about it,  pull out a notebook from your backpack and say you have homework to do.

    if it gets unbearably bad, talk to your bus driver or principal.

    have fun!

    (pick as best answer pleaaase lol [;)

  13. uhm lets see sit in the friggin middle! or walk or beg your parents to bring you to school

  14. If you have no choice, you either ride the bus or take up a sport so your parents can pick you up after practice.  Bring a book and a mp3 player, and sit nearer to the front, though not the very front.

    Good luck on your freaky bus; maybe the stories they tell are exaggerated.

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