
Right Lead Canter?

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I'm riding a horse thats does'nt gets his right lead canter. How do I get him to canter on his right lead?




  1. try bringing him back to trot, and make sure he's going on the correct diagonal (in this case, right diagonal, so his outside leg, which should be on your right is going out as your rising) and then ask for canter

    might work! give it a go!

    hope it helped! =]

  2. He may not be picking up his right lead because:

    1. He may have only worked on his left lead with other riders.

    2. You aren't giving him the correct cues.

    When asking him to canter on his right lead, tip your horse's nose to the LEFT. Then slide your left foot back and push his hips over. When you feel his hips push to the right, slide your right foot forward and keep your left leg back. Make kissing noises to him and sit forward a bit.

    Hope it helps!

  3. will the horse canter on both leads without a rider?  if he does, the problem is more with the rider.  if he doesn't, he might be a 'crooked horse'.  if this is the case, he should be put through bending exercises for both left & right sides.

  4. First make sure the horse doesn't have any health problems. How experienced are you as a rider? I personally don't see any difference between right lead and left lead, you basically do the same things...  Is it possible that you might be abusing your inside rein? Remember to always have your horse on the outside rein.

  5. Put your right leg forward, your left leg back, and cue. Make sure to slightly bend him to the right. Also, if he doesnt get it, make him go back to a good dressage trot, sit a few strides, and cue again.
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