
Right Leg Hurts while running?

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I have been running for quite a long period but when i run my right legs hurts from the calf to the things to the hamstrings. This slows me down. What is causing this pain? And how do i prevent it fom happening again..?PLease help. Thanks.




  1. you probably didnt pull your muscale your just sore from running. it is only happening to your right leg because your left one is stronger.if you do butt kickers they will strech those muscles and in a few days they wont be sore as much. try steching more before and after extrisise to prevent this from happening. dont forget to do lots of but kickers all day long. good luck

  2. You are probably unflexible, like most runners, and need to stretch a lot all throughout the day.  If it's only when you are running, you should probably take it easy for a week or two, maybe try the eliptical or swimming if that doesn't hurt, so you won't lose to much running fitness.  If your muscles are pulled, which you would know if they were because it would hurt when you used them, then there is not much you can do (don't stretch them if they are pulled!!) except rest and maybe take an advil or two.  Also, after you run, you could put your legs in the bath tub with the tub fully covering your legs and the water on the coldest you can handle.  I get injured all the time, and I hope this helps! =]

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