
Right bundle branch block?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, I have a friend with "Right bundle branch block" as per her EKG/ECG. She was asking me what to do? Can anybody help me what are the best advice for her not to worry a lot. Like what kind of diet, what kind of exercise..etc.

I really want to help her, I need ASAP




  1. There are several reasons why your friend has a RBBB pattern on her ecg.  You don't state whether she has any preexisting  illness, or has she ever had a heart attack? RBBB is occasionally a normal finding, it also can occur if she has coronary heart disease, in can occur in 95% of cases of atrial septal defect (hole in the upper chambers of the heart), or if the right side of her heart is being overloaded,  It is a "conduction disturbance. " and the Dr. who ordered the ecg in the first place, who knows her can only tell you the significance.of it, in relationship to her.  Contact the Heart and Stroke Foundation about dietary changes that  are needed and a excercise program she can follow. It already sounds like she has a good support system with you.

  2. HI sorry about your friend but don't worry look first stress sucks she has to learn to keep her stress level down NO coffee its high in caffeine green tea helps, see a good cardiologist doc for more exams. it's not the end of the world there are many things: procedures, medications that can help her. AND GOOD FOR YOU FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD AND CARING FRIEND. GET WELL TO YOUR FRIEND AND GOD BLESS YOU BOTH

  3. Isolate right bundle branch block with no structural heart disease can be left alone. So the important thing is to exclude structural heart disease by medical evaluation.

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