
Right or left handed??

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are you right or left handed??

also, if some one is right handed or something, could they like make themselves left handed, with like writting etc.?




  1. i write with my left hand, but in sports, i play basketball with my right hand,and i play soccer mostly with my right foot.i guess that it is hereditary,like mixing all the traits your ancestors have.but i guess,like most things,that if you try to learn writing with the other hand,eventually you can.

  2. I'm right handed.  But one thing I've noticed about lefties.....they're original thinkers.

  3. im right handed and i can still write with my left hand... but i prefer my right hand

  4. I'm right handed. I suppose someone could train themselves to perform tasks with their other hand but for most they would still go to perform the tasks with their preferred hand.

  5. I'm right-handed completely. I can't do anything with my left hand.

    For the record, when you can use both hands, it's called ambidextrous, not ambivalent.

    And my grandma trained herself to write and paint with both hands so she could give one a rest. She may have been naturally somewhat ambidextrous, though, I don't know.

  6. righty. I think you can teach yourself, if you were willing to spend like hours and hours on it.

  7. I'm special, I'm left handed. I'm the only one in my class who is. WHAT ABOUT YOU? You didn't say.

  8. Right handed.  I've fractured my wrist several times already and so can say for a fact that you can learn to use your opposite hand.  It feels awkward and at first writing is sloppy, but in time it gets better.  I've always noticed that left handed people are good in art!

  9. Left handed.  They tried to make me right handed as a child and it didn't work; however, I can do lots of things right handed. Even write.

    It is not a good idea to try to change someone.  It can cause a lot of frustration

    Read this.  It is interesting and informative.

  10. Im right handed!!

    i dont know if you can teach yourself.. im sure you can

    did you know that people who are left handed dont live as long as right handed people


  12. i'm rightie,

    and i use my left hand for texting, i've gotten really good at it now.. i'm gonna start writing with it soon..

    practicing your left hand for such things (texting, writing) when you're rightie, is good brain exercise

  13. Right.

    I think you can gradually learn to write with your opposite hand. But I doubt it'll be as fast and effective as your "fixed" one.

  14. right...

    my left looks like a toddler wrote it.. i bet i would be better if i lost my right hand though

  15. Right. I guess you could by practicing a lot but it wouldn't be as good as your original writing hand.

    P.S: This is extremely off topic, but I love your name! David Archuleta rocks! Love him!!

  16. Im a Lefty.

    Im pretty sure you can train yourself to switch to the opposite hand at a very early age. In the flinstones times, they use to tie lefty kids arms to the back to force them to learn to write with their right hands, so im sure right handed kids could also be trained the same, but pretty cruel and unnecesary if you ask me.

  17. I am right handed.

  18. I am right handed.

    One who is right-handed will probably use this hand for everyday activities such as personal care, cooking, and so on. According to different studies, 85% to 90% of the population is right-handed, while most of the remaining are left-handed. A small percentage of the population can use both hands equally well; a person with this ability is deemed to be ambidextrous.

    There is no prevailing theory that explains why right-handedness is so much more prevalent than left-handedness. Neurologically, the motor skills of the right side of the body are controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, so researchers believe the explanation may ultimately be found in the differences between the two halves of the brain. For example, a recent study found that right-handers use the right side of the brain to focus on an entire image, but the left side of the brain to focus on details within an image. This observed difference, like many others, shows the effects of right-handedness but does not clearly indicate its cause.

  19. i am right handed but i have taught myself how to play basketball right handed and left handed.

  20. left handed

  21. Research suggests that true left handed people have the right and left hemispheres of their brains reversed.  I'm left handed and I can't drive because I can't tell my right from my left - and when I tried to learn I had to write L and R on my hands! But I write equally well with both hands and the writing is exactly the same.  I do everything else, i.e. ironing with my right hand so suspect I'm not a true lefty.  If you lost your dominant hand and HAD to learn with the other, then you would but the writing would probably be very different and you'd be a lot slower.

  22. im right handed but naturally i have the characterstic of being ambivalent that is the quality of using both your hands efficiently... yeah someone can make themselves left handed by practising writing everyday for 2 hours for 3 months its a proven research... happy trying! =]

  23. Well I was acctually right handed when I was born but when I was about the age to learn how to right I became left handed so now I can write with both but I write cursive better right handed.

  24. Righty.

    I can do a lot of things with my left hand because I have taught myself to do them, but in general, judging from my skill set, I am extremely left-brain dominant. My language skills, when tested for an IQ test (the real kind, administered over a series of days by a psychologist) are off the charts.

    And yes, people can change which hand they use, but it will never become their dominant hand. Dominance is tied to our brains, so if you are left-brain dominant, which makes you right handed, you can teach yourself to do things with your left hand, including writing, but you will still process information in a left-brain dominant way, and you will always be stronger if you use your naturally dominant hand.

    I know some twins who, like many identical twins, mirror each other. For example, one of them has the natural part in his hair on the right, and the other on the left. When they were little, one of them was a righty, and one a lefty, but their parents were frustrated by that, because they didn't know how to help him learn to write with his left hand, which was his natural inclination. Instead of just letting him work it out, they forced him to learn to write with his right hand. He does most things with his dominant left hand (brushing his teeth is an example), but he writes with his right because his parents forced him to. The interesting thing is that his writing is very slow and labored--he's never been able to write well with his right hand.

  25. i'm a lefty.  can't do much with my right hand.  parents/school teachers all tried to switch things into my right hand, but it didnt work.  i'm the only lefty in my entire extended family and they ALWAYS mention it.  They stare when I write something and comment about it,  make me sit at the far end of the table so I dont bump elbows with people etc like it's always on they're mind.

  26. i m a left hander

    my rite hand is weak

  27. I'm right handed

  28. I am right handed.

    If we try 1 hour every day for 2 months we change our side.

    It works for me.

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