
Rights of a Biological Father?

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What rights does a biological father have if he is not on the birth certificate?




  1. none really

  2. none until he can prove that he is the father, he would need to ask for paternity testing, which pretty much everywhere he wil have to pay upfront for.

  3. none until he takes a test to see if hes really the father.

    but after that he has every single right.

    so like somebody said before me , get a lawyer.(sp?)

  4. None.

  5. It depends on the state, and it depends on how soon you claim paternity.

  6. none until he gets a paternity test done that says he is the father. Then he has alot of rights! Get a lawyer!

  7. I agree none. When I was pregnant with Santiago, his biological father refused his responsibilities and even he didn't ask for me when I was giving birth in my campus apartment. So I don't want to have nothing with him.

  8. Laws vary from state to state. However, if your child's mother is not willing to verify that the biological father is,indeed, the child's father, a DNA test must be done. This is the only way to establish paternity. Once this is done and paternity is established, then the rights of the biological father are exactly the same as the biological mother, unless the mother can prove in court that the father is unfit in some way. If that happens, the father's rights may be limited in the form of visitation and/or can be terminated.

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