
Risk of Playing Harmonica?

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About a half an hour ago I picked up my sister's harmonica and played it for a few minutes. When I stopped I asked if anybody else had played it and she said that she doesn't think anybody has. I was in one of her dresser drawers. I'm going away on vacation tomorrow and for some reason everything has to be perfect for the trip (OCD). I'm really worried that if one of her friends used it and they could have had HIV or menancocongitis (spelt wrong). How long would it take for the bacteria to go away. Could I have gotten HIV/AIDS or menancocongitis or any disease. Is this possible? She had her last friend over yesterday (Saturday). I'm feeling achy in my arms and legs and trembly. Is this because I think I could have got someone else's bacteria in my mouth. Could I have? How long would it take to feel symptoms? HELP!!!




  1. It is possible to get mono and any other disease that can be transmitted through saliva. And if people have touched where you played it, you can also get colds, flu, etc., I would not worry TOO much, but if you start feeling sick within about 48 hours, you may have caught something.  

  2. wow. You need to take your anti anxiety meds, you are obviously in a "trigger mode" and you need to calm down in order not to drive everyone around you and yourself nuts!

    You can NOT get HIV this way, and you should know that already. Go here:

    The worst you are at risk for is a cold.

    The risk is very, very small and you seriously need to calm down. Should there be an outbreak of meningitis and your family potentially exposed, you will be contacted by the health department.

  3. HIV/AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease - it is only transmitted by having s*x with someone. there is no possible way you could get HIV/AIDS by playing your sister's harmonica.

    you must also remember that viruses die over time because they can't live without a host. your sister also said that she didn't think anyone else had played it before. if, by chance, your sister's friend had played it, if your sister's friend was healthy, the chance of you catching a viral or bacterial disease from them is low. it would also take longer than a day for signs of a bacterial disease to show, since bacteria are very small, and we are very large in comparison. trust your immune system!

    i think you have nothing to worry about. the pain in your arms and legs and your trembles are most likely all in your head.

  4. I think you are just paranoid. Have a nice trip.

  5. they also shrink your testes

  6. OMG! you can not get HIV/AIDS from saliva it is transferred through blood or s*x! And its is very unlikely you get minigitis, you would already be feeling very tired, and sick. You need to learn to lighten up and live, if you got anything from it then it would only be like a cold nothing serious. if you do not chill out your going to not have a perfect vacation because you are so stressed!

  7. First of all you couldn't have gotten aids unless whoever used it last was bleeding in the mouth and had it, then when you picked it up and played it, your mouth was bleeding. It is transferred from the blood, such as needles, blood transfusions, etc. Second of all, you can't get someones bacteria in the mouth and get really sick unless they had strep throat or bronchitis or something to that effect. You probably are just getting a cold. It is flu and cold season ya know. Everyone is getting sick around this time.

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