
Road Rash is Draining, help?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday i fell off of a moving vehicle and onto the pavement, i now have road rash on my arm and my side... i cleaned it and put a couple band aids on it, today when i woke up i used some neosporin and covered it up, after a few hours, i notice that liquid is draining out and dripping down my arm, what does this mean, is it bad? should i uncover it or what?




  1. The moist environment caused by the neosporin and the bandage prevents the wound from scabbing. Hence the drainage. If it's milky, yellow, green, or another strange color, than it's a sign of infection. If it's clear or yellow-clear it's plasma and is not bad. If it's red or red-tinged then it's probably bleeding.

    Uncover it, wash it, pat it dry. I don't know what time zone you're in, if it's night time where you are, then leave it uncovered. Let it air out and scab overnight. Then in the morning you can wash it again and then put on neosporin and bandage it. If it's daytime where you are, and you're going to be doing things/going outside/whatever, then bandage it now to keep it protected, but uncover it at night to air out.

  2. what color is the drainage? If it is clear that is normal drainage of a wound healing the na,e of it is called Purulent drainage. if it is yellow,green,or it looks like pus then you have an infection. Other signs of infection or warmness to the touch, fever, swelling,tenderness and discolored drainage. I would wash the wound daily apply the neosporin like you have been and cover it if you can especially if your cooking, outside working or around animals. at night in bed it should be fine to leave open to the air. if not improving see your local doc.

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