
Robert Mugabe at UN-sponsored summit?

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World leaders are attending a UN-sponsored summit in Rome aimed at addressing the problem of soaring global food prices.

What is your reaction to Robert Mugabe's attendance?




  1. it was blame game again. but there is something i dint understand, why did They put sanctions on th country. Is it probably because he wanted blacks to have fair share in the economy by paying off land that was owned by whites or he forcefully removed them off. this situatio is quite tricky.

  2. I have come to find that the EU leader or whatever he is who is Chinese (not being racists) is for Mugabe because of the recent happenings with China and the ship.

    One thing that angers me so much is that Mugabe has the audacity to say it's Britain's fault. I mean I know I don't like Britain that much but how on earth is it there fault?

    They gave the idiot his country back all in tacked and rich and he went and fncked it up himself. NO one else did that, only he has to blame for his own ignorance and incompetence!!

    The best apart was when the other nations walked out because they wouldn't hear his kak. I'd have done the same!!

    God help me if I ever saw that man I'd kill him!! And to be frank I'd not care what happens to me but that man has got to go!!

  3. What gets me is that he still has his knighthood.

    I don't know how they allowed him off the plane. They should have just shot it down.

    Why are the countries with the highest birth rates complaining about no food when countries like China have low birth rates so they have enough food. Typical mentality. Just take take take and do nothing to give back.

  4. He's an attention-getting has-been of a dictator with no sense, who should be barred from UN summits and meetings.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with you and Cat. How can the world be so blind!

  6. I think its quite simple, the rest of the world just say they disgusted with what he is doind , etc but wont do anything, simply because they have nothing to gain from Zim...

    now if they had oil or an abundance of some other valuable natural resource , Mugabe would have been hanged along with Saddam....

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