
Robo hamsters?????????

by  |  earlier

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how do i make them let me hold them?




  1. Robo's aren't keens on being held - at all.  They do like running around in a hamster ball though!

  2. everyday

  3. Try holding it everyday. And if it bits wear a working glove, it has to get used to you, and used to being held.

  4. Patience. And more patience.  

    Put your hand in the cage, but don't try to touch or pick up Mr. Hammy.  Just rest your hand in his cage for a little bit. Put it palm up. Try to be still and quiet or talk softly. At th is point, he'll either be trying to hide under his shavings or in his little box-house, or he'll just want to sleep!  But be patient, keep talking to him and after a few minutes, he will be curious and want to come sniff your hand.  When he does, just remain still and let him explore your scent, he may even climb into your hand, let him walk around on your hand, but remain still and talk to him softly let him get used to you,  Even put a little piece of food or a treat in your hand, let him come to you and get it, he may even sit in your hand while he eats his snack. Do this a few times, he'll come to learn that you don't want to hurt him.

    After a bit you can move your hand a little. If he jumps and runs away, start over, remembering to move slowly and being very calm (and patient)

    He is afraid, this is why he doesn't want you to  pick him up.  And if you look at how big he is then how big YOU are!  Do you blame him for being afraid ?

    You don't want to reach into his cage and try to pick him up like a burger out of a McDonald's bag!  

    When you're ready to try to pick him up, gently 'scoop' him into the palm of your hand.  He's now used to the smell and feel of it and used to hearing your voice too.  You're very calm and patient.

    With him in the palm of your hand, gently lift him out of his cage.

    He will try to walk off your hand,  at this point , what you'll do is put your other hand -palm up - and let him walk onto it, then move your empty hand, again letting him walk onto it, repeating this so he is walking from one hand to the other.I should mention that while you are doing this you are sitting on the floor, maybe in the bathroom with the door closed, or even in the bathtub.  Empty of course! If he falls off your hands, he doesn't have far to fall and won't get hurt. And he can't climb out of the bathtub, so you have time to calmly and gently scoop him up again, and let him walk from hand to hand. When you want him to stop, just take your empty hand and cup it over him, making like a little cave with your two hands with him inside.  Remember, you're being calm, gentle and patient.

    In time,he will be so comfortable with you, that you'll be able to just hold him on your lap, in your pocket or anywhere.  He will enjoy spending time with you.  

    I know this is a long note, and seems like a lot to do, but all it really is, is being patient, gentle and gaining his trust.

    Good luck and I hope you both have years of friendship together
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