
Roborovski Hamsters?

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What is a great cage for a roobo hammie i cant use a tank :don't ask why" and how much should you feed it i know a lot about hamsters but not much about robos but i will do research! And are Robos ok by them self?




  1. 1. get a single female robo

    2. get a critter trail 2 or 3

    3. add food when low (daily) and wash and replace new food (weekly)

    4. robos are the smallest and quickest so have a good

    wheel (6-8 inches)

    5. Provide enough toys, chews

    6. Clean cage weekly

    Nothing really makes them different besides they are smaller and faster than regular hamsters.

  2. 1. get critter trail x!

    2.feed low amounts of food and lots of fruits and vegetables.

    3.robos are ok by them selfs because if you put two together they will fight to death!

  3. If you can't use an aquarium tank with a lid, Fine wired or mesh hamster cages will do when they're older. While they're small, they can literally squeeze under closed doors, so you might want to line the bottom edges until they get older.

    They are very happy by themselves! If you are VERY careful you can introduce a male to a male before the age of three months, but if you switch up genders or if you try when they're older, I can assure you there will be deaths.

    These little guys are used to living alone, and consequently, very territorial in nature. Don't worry about getting this guy a friend, as he is happy in his own little world.

    The simplest tips are: don't get him a friend unless you really know what you're doing; never feed him anything with sugar as he will contract diabetes; give him a small, rich vegetable chunk once a week (not too much or he'll get deadly diarrhea); buy him a solid-plastic wheel as their little feet will get hurt in wire ones; remember that they do bite! Biting is a way of them communicating even if they really do love you. You can mostly train them out of it, but don't be upset if they nip!

    Edit: one is perfectly happy. Two -males- will live together happily only if you introduce them when they are less than three months old and if you do so slowly and patiently. Females just don't like friends. If you have two -little- ones, divide a cage with cardboard or something sturdy. Make sure they both have food and water. Every couple of hours, switch sides. This way they get used to the smell of the other hamster, and they realize that they have shared territory. After a couple days of this, let them discover each other. They will probably have a little wrestling match to determine who is dominant, but after that, they will be happy together. If the wrestling thing goes on for a minute, or if you see blood, STOP. If you see blood, they will not become friendly later, trust me. They will have these tiffs a couple of times a day in the beginning, and these will happen once a week or so once they've established each other as litter mates.

  4. You want to get your robo hammie the biggest cage possible. Just because they are smaller hamsters, doesn't mean they need a smaller space. I recommend crittertal X, because there is a ramp to get to the wheel ( robo hamsters can't climb up vertical hamster tubes because they are too small.) As long as you get a cage and set it up so all of the tubes are horizontal (they can even be slanted up or down.) and the cage is a decent size you will be good to go.

  5. Robos are social so keep them in same s*x pairs or groups (I keep three males).  They are so small that there is really no reason to keep them alone.  they are not agressice and if they have lived together since babies will only have little play-fights with no injuries.  Two is no more expense or trouble than one.  

    Feed them hamster mix and some treats and a little fresh fruit and veg (not too much or it causes diarheoa).  You cannot over feed the mix;  they will only eat what they need.  

    If you can't use a tank then large pet stores usually sell a couple of cages specifically for dwarf hamsters.  They are either made of plastic or have bars very close together.  If it says it is for mice then it is fine for dwarf hamsters too as they are a similar size.  
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