
Rodeos - Abuse? [video]

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Hi there,

I would like to know what you think of the following footage of rodeo abuse.

Do you think Rodeos are cruel?

I welcome opposing views.

Please explain why or why not you like rodeos using facts and indepth info.

Thank you everybody. I will probably reply to your comments. :)


PS. Please rate via YouTube




  1. i don't agree that rodeo is abusive or cruel.let me ask you this,how many rodeos have you been a contestant,stock contractor or stock handler and do you own livestock?if you don't then you are making a judgment call on something that you have no firsthand knowledge are the facts.first ,any animal that is sick or injured is not allowed to perform in a rodeo,second,shock poles and hand shockers are only allowed to be used after the chute is starting to open to get "chute stalled"livestock to safely exit the chute.most of the bucking horses come from people just like you who cant train a bucking horse to stop and that comes from racing,dressage,hunter/jumper,ranchers and other disciplines and rodeo gives them something to do other than slaughter.most bucking horses can compete well into their 20s.

    edit:the hand held hot shots that are used produce 4.500 volts and 0.04 joules which is equivelant to the shock you get from static electricity after walking on carpet with wool socks.since it takes 30.000 volts and 0.10 joules to stop a human heart a hot shot doesnt even come anywhere close to that.all of that is taught in high school electronics class.

    volts dont hurt you,amps do.

    a friend of mine is an electrical engineer for miller the company that makes "hot shot"brand livestock equipment.

    as for the ring that was used in was a kids toy called a hand buzzer and is a wind up toy that vibrates.

    is there a video of steve hindi offering a cowboy to take a shot from a hot shot ? no it is him saying that he did but cant prove it.there would be a line a mile long of cowboys wanting to take a hit from a hot shot for a hundred bucks.this is comming from the great and powerfull steve hindi that bulls are domesticated and they arent mean,or how about that horses dont buck naturally.what a maroon! what an im-bull-cill !

    if you look at my link.IT IS THE TRUTH handed down by a california court of LAW,now try to deny that one !

    wow reading black beauty and ferdinand,now there is an in depth, true to life account of rodeo life.boy you must be an expert in rodeos from reading those books,heck i have only been around pro rodeo for 43 years,but you got me beat in knowledge.

    spottypony333 is in new zealand

  2. First before you go bashing rodeo, let me explain something.


    Most of the events in rodeo are also used on ranches to work cattle and horses.

    Let us start with calf roping. Do you know why they do this? Probably not. Calf roping is used everyday on a ranch, and if caught properly(takes years of training) it does not harm the calf. Calf roping is for doctoring(administering medication to the animal), these calves on ranches are not the tame cute little things you see at the petting zoo. They are wild as a spring hair. It is a neccesity when working on a ranch to keep the calves healthy.


    Team roping, they again do this on ranches to doctor steers and larger cattle, you can not just go up and lay down a 2000lbs cow if it is sick. And you would be amaized on how fast and strong even a sick cow is.


    Bulldogging, This is used to catch a steer, when you have lost your rope. It does happen and sometimes its the last resort. By the way Bill Pickett(a black cowboy) is the first to do this.


    Barrel racing came from turning cattle back to the herd when on cattle drives. Its to show of the speed and adjility of the horse.


    Bullriding(not used on a ranch), First thing about bullriding is the flank strap goes just infront of the hips of the animal, there are no genitalia anywhere near the flank strap. And, if the flank strap is too tight it is impossible for the animal to buck(like if you took belt and cinched it as tight as you can around your waist, you can't move), and if the flank strap is too loose the bull will not buck. And every animals requires a different tention. The spurs used are specialty spurs not to harm the animal, a bulls skin is quite thick. The bulls are taught from an early age to buck, they are trained to do this like you would train a dog to fetch a ball, they enjoy it.


    Bareback bronc riding(not used on a ranch) this is to show the skill of the cowboy, to be able to ride a bucking horse with no saddle. The same rule applys on the flank strap and spurs and training.


    Saddle bronc(sometimes used on ranches) Hey, every horse can buck and sometime they buck hard on their own, and sometimes they do it with you in the saddle weither you want them to or not. Saddle bronc is just showing off the ability of the cowboy as a rider. The same rule apply's on the flank strap, spurs, and trianing.


    Bullfighting(commonly known as rodoe clowns) These men are to clowns, as life is to death. The American Bullfighter is the most respected man in rodeo. He is a life saver. A American Bullfighter sole reason for being is to save a bullrider even if it means his death. They also have a competion showing off dangerouse manuvers with a true fighting bull. Trained(again) to go after anything that is eye level.

    The ''Shocking device'' shown in the video has no more juice than a 9v battery on the toung. It does not hurt them it is more like getting hit by stattick shock(I have been hit by many they don't hurt they only startle)

    Bucking horses and Bucking bulls are becoming a breed. These animals are bred for their desire and willingness to buck. They are not beaten to do this, they spend years in training for this. And Yes the are ATHLETES. Very good athletes. As with all PRO SPORTS there are accedents. A bull or a horse will buck so hard they throw themself off ballance and they fall. Remember, the cowboy goes with the animal and manytimes comes out more injured than the cowboy.

    These cowboy do this because they love the sport, yes they make money but that is last on their mind. Its the love, and the respect of winning the gold buckle.

    One sided oppinions is how biggotry starts. Are you a Biggot?

    I don't try to spred uneducated rumors about other sports because I don't know enough about them.

    Edit- And why would anyone want to harm something that you just paid 1 MILLION DOLLARS for. Yes these bucking animals go for that much. Look it up.

    Edit- One more thing Rodeo has been around much longer than our nation. Rodeo is spanish for ''gathering'', and has been around sense the late 1600's.  Again look it up.

    Edit- 6000volts? What? You might wanna check that again. That is the voltage of an exucation chair! And I am pretty sure a C cel battery can not produce that much power. You might wanna 1 graduate Jr High 2 make a living on your own 3 stick a penny in wall socket and save us a bunch of trouble.

  3. I think that rodeos are cruel and abusive. They are NOT fair to the animals, and they are disgusting and unnecessary. Yes, I see where they come from historically, in that cowboys were on the range with cows and horses that bucked, but rodeos have escalated into a "sport" that is mean and dangerous for the animals. I have definitely been to my fair share of rodeos and I think they are horrible.

  4. i agree, i commented on youtube

  5. I agree that some rodeo needs reform.  Suck as the electric shocking and abuse of the bucking broncos. Things do happen no matter what.  Even at the sports where every precaution is taken.  I have went to rodeo and enjoyed it and I will go again.  I just think there needs to be a hard look taken at rodeo and reforms made for some things.

  6. Rodeos aren't that bad...really.  Some of those animals get better health care than their riders do!!!

    Anyways this is basically a simulation of what people would have done back in the day before established methods came about.  If your horse was bucking while you were on it, if a calf had left the herd and needed to be taken back, and much more.  This wasn't created to be cruel.

    Also the video states that the use of electronics is illegal right?  Well thats not the fault of the sport that people are doing illegal things.  That would be like saying its the fault of the country that people are illegally importing cocaine.

    So in general, no I don't think rodeos are cruel.  

  7. Don't feed into this, don't jump to conclusions because someone has shown you a very biased piece of film, showing you just what they want you to see.  It's very ignorant to make a judgment on one piece of information without getting the whole story. Too many people one little thing they've seen and make an opinion on it instead of really educating themselves. Like the wild horse roundups. People here one bit of propaganda from the horse interest groups and then start bashing the BLM and whatnot and act like they are experts on the subject.

    Those videos from SHARK make me sad, as they show that bad things do sometimes happen at rodeos, but it does not change my opinion of rodeos. I have been to far too many that have been good, and known some great stock contractors, great rodeo participants, great events organizers. I can not and will not condemn rodeos from a few prejudiced videos.  Most stock contractors treat their rodeo stock like they are made of gold, not like what you see in the videos.  You can go to ANY sport though, and find people doing wrong things or cheating.  But that doesn't mean every single person is like that and the group shouldn't be judged for the offenses of a small percentage.

    That's the problem with interest groups...they think they are doing something so great but they are so passionate about one side of the coin that they never flip it over and look at the other side. And SO MANY people feed into that. Unfortunately.

    Refer to this link for a similar question asked earlier:;...

  8. i'm sorry that you believe everything that you see.

    everyone who is part of rodeo is not abusing their animals, and rodeo just happens to be like any other sport out there where danger is a factor.

    these rodeo animals are worth more then you'll know (and prob more then i'll ever see in my life time) one barrel racing horse can go for a 1/2 a million dollars, do you think they're really going to abuse that horse?? the money the bulls are worth can double that easily, would you really hurt a bull that puts food on your table???

    if you dont know the sport, then dont go accusing the people who do know the sport of anything. and this is where the hate comes from that people talk about, spreading lies and believing everything you see on the internet

  9. Honestley the only thing i like at rodeos is barrel racing i dont like the rest i think the rest is kinda mean to the animals just let the wild horses be they dont want anyone on them  

  10. While I'm sure that there are some instances of true abuse in rodeos, the same can be said for any animal related event, especially horses.  I've seen people tie western pleasure horses heads up for several hours prior to riding, so the horse will carry his head low during an event.  Does that mean that every western pleasure rider does the same?  NO, it doesn't.  You can't judge everybody by what a few people do.  I have been to several rodeos in my life and have been in every part of them, including behind the chutes during the rough stock events.  I have never in my 18+ years of riding seen first hand the abuse that you are talking about.  Before you just asume that the videos that you see on you tube are an every rodeo thing, you should pry your a$$ out of the house and go see one for yourself.  The bulls are bred to buck literally, some of the horses are as well, but most of the horses are ones that could not be broke for one reason or the other.  But one thing that I can guarantee you is that those animals are taken better care of than any of your animals are, they have to be.  To be hauled around the country like they are, they are vaccinated for pretty much everything out there.  I've been to thousands of rodeos through the years, and I've never seen an injury of the rough stock or the cattle, but I've seen horses bow tendons and stuff like that, but never any thing too serious.  I would suggest that you educate yourself before accusing others bases off some video you saw on the internet.

    Also, those little hand held prods are ran on a 9V battery and the big cattle prods run on 2 D-Cell batteries, how can either one of those produce 6,000 volts?  The answer is that they can not it is impossible.  I have personally been hit by both of these and they DO NOT HURT, they only surprise you.  If you don't believe me go to a store that sells them and see for yourself!!!!!

  11. I have been to a lot of rodeos and have never seen an animal abused like the c**p I have seen done to animals brought in to an auction or even in peoples privet pastures and barns. Rodeo animals are treated like stars compared to how some pets are treated.

  12. i dont think so

    this stuff happens, its not like no one cared for the horse, and the rider that "ran off"? well, you do realize he came down on his neck with a 1000 pound animal on him, that hurts sometimes!

    i think bull riding is cruel, its not like it has purpose, but the other events were used because thats range work....realize that these cows treated "cruelly" in rodeos are meat animals for human consumption, and the horses are protected as best possible

    if you think a rodeo is cruel, then

    cross country is cruel:

    showjumping is cruel:

    dressage is cruel:

    riding with bits is cruel:

    please, please dont believe everything a biased organization says, riding is dangerous. anyone can capture the most graphic pictures and claim its abuse even if its an isolated incident

    EDIT: pagan_(cant see the rest), im not suggesting xc, showjumping, or dressage are cruel. im just demonstarting that bad shots can make even the safest of equestrian events look horrible. honestly, the xc video in particular make rodeos look like rides through fields of flowers, if u watched the vid you would see just how many of those horses came down on their necks and flipped over

  13. I have seen videos like the yours on youtube before and let me say that OPINIONS are like a**holes, everyone has one. I have been around rodeo my whole  life(my Dad is a retired bull rider and I am a barrel racer) and have been competing in them for many years. I don't think rodeos are cruel. I agree with several others, the stock contractors/owners  keep these animals in THE BEST SHAPE. The pictures you showed of the cowboys with the hand held cattle prods are more than likely one of the rider's friends. If the contractor knew it was going on at the time, which I'm sure they didn't, it would have been stopped. Out of all the videos I've seen protesting rodeo they all basically show the same kind of footage in a different order from several years ago.

    It is a dangerous sport not only for the animals but for the competitors.

  14. i agree and have been against rodeos forever and i have a friend susanna who had gotten a beautiful grey horse named tatters he was used for the bronco riding and she was retraining him to be ridden again. well one day she was riding him bare back because that is how much he was abused and she accidently brushed her leg over a sore spot and man did he throw her far. why let me see HE WAS ABUSED BECAUSE THE ANIMALS WERE NOT TREATED LIKE STARS.

    you people have no idea what your talking about and i see that you want to keep it cause you want to keep being paid your money that you get when you  do this sickening sport. i see and know why you are saying that but your answers are bs

      AND TO THE PERSON WHO SAID that dressage, show jumping and the other do YOU SEE THEM roping a cow of calf down and tying their three legs together NO I DONT THINK SO.

    ENGLISH RIDING is proper and they do not abuse their animals like you guys so you guys have been misinformed of that and we dont use the reins for whipping them you guys do it and dont care we do and i do not treat my horse like that i have ridden english and western and i prefer english because you are not just riding you are also controlling your balance communicating through your butt and legs where areas i see that you guys dont you have to use something to stimulate them to go.

    and if your going to say that this sport does not abuse them i want you to go to tatters and tell him that it was all his imagination and that he does not have sore spots and yes they DO HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN all over their body that is why you cant nudge them on their sides cause you well hit the ground before you know what is going on. and they do so dont give me this that they are a thousand pound animal and they are bigger it cant hurt them why dont i ride you around and see how you like it and i do exactly to you what the sport does to them and i know that when the day is over you are going to be sore cause that is what they go through.

  15. I'm just glad they don't start putting films of women in labor on u tube....I'm sure the special interest groups would put a stop to THAT abuse of womankind!!!!! And then where would we be????????????

  16. Here we go again

    Bulls, Steers, Broncs are all raised to do rodeos.

    In other words they like it.

    Real cowboys don't hurt animals.

    All you city folk have alot of stupidity you guys obviously don't know what a rodeo is or even been to one.

    So I suggest you put your noses to dogs and other animals who ARE ACTUALLY GETTING ABUSED.

    And sharkonline is the most stupidst fake site I have ever seen in my entire life!!!!!!

  17. where are these pictures from i agree with bb do you even know how rodeos started probally not because you asked this so i am going to tell you this... rodeos started when calfs and sterrs left the herd  in bull and bronc rding they are not doing anything that is nit naturally the only thing different from bronco riding and braking a horse is that in bronco rding there is not a full saddle.. barrel racing is pure skill it takes alot of hard work  next time you have a hambuger think a famer or cowboy for rounding up that cow

  18. that's ridiculous clap trap fiddle fuddle


    6000 volts, some one needs to get their terminology checked. there is apsolutely no possible way that you are correct...go check on your smart, i think SHARK stole it

  19. Oh great!  Not again!!!  

    This question has been asked, debated & answered more times than necessary.  It is not worth the time & effort it would take to try to explain.  So, go back to youtube & let them tell you some more of what to think, because ANYONE who watches that c**p & believes it is not smart enough to think for themselves & form an intelligent, educated opinion.

    THAT is my view & not an arguement...


    previous questions!!!  PLURAL, many many times over.

    Also, I cannot believe you are worried about the use of hotshots!!  Good Lord child we use to have fights with them when we were kids....ON PURPOSE!! & our skin is a whole lot thinner than a horse & especially thinner than the skin of cattle.  They make leather from bovine hides.

    Do us ALL a favor, do NOT believe what you see on something as ridiculous as youtube.  I mean come one, that is not exactly a reliable source of information.


    I see MORE misinformation has come to you from the youtube.  6000 volts?  What imbocile told you that a hotshot has 6000 volts?  That moronic statement shows right there that you don't even know what a hotshot is & have never been shocked by one.  They barely leave 2 red dots on a human's bare skin & YES!!  horses & cattle do have thicker skin than humans, no matter what youtube tells you.  Ever given a horse or a cow a shot?  The needle is A LOT harder to get into the hide than it is to get into human skin.  OOPPSS!!  Sorry, I gave you a "true" fact there.  And doubt it all you want to child...We DID have fights with them when we were kids.  

    6000 volts!!!  THAT IS ABSURRED & RIDICULOUS!!!


    Let me say this AGAIN, since soooo sooo many have obviously NOT thought about it BEFORE asking UNEDUCATED questions & making UNINFORMED comments....


    You did not want other people's views on this subject, you wanted people to agree with your uneducated & even ignorant view on a subject you know NOTHING about as is typical with ALL questions from children who think youtube is a source of "real" information & not just a collection of b.s.


    BB, John & Kevin  THUMBS UP TO Y'ALL



    NOT even close!!!!


    Here another bit of REAL information for your uneducated uninformed child's mind.  Horses & cattle have h-a-i-r.  Cats, dogs, little fuzzy bunnies, big mean bears & animals like that have f-u-r.  Even my 7 yr. old knows that.


    What YOU fail to understand is that YOU are basing YOUR opinion on ONE video taken at ONE rodeo by a biased loser whose main goal is to cause trouble.  In other words, YOU are NOT even forming YOUR OWN opinion, YOU are doing NOTHING but parroting someone else's one sided views & opinions. Which is typical for children like you to do. When you grow up & learn how to form YOUR OWN opinion based on FACTS that YOU have gathered ON YOUR OWN, NOT taken from someone else, THEN maybe someone will listen to your ridiculous comments.  But uneducated nonsense is NOT fact & Youtube is NOT even close to being a source of facts or education.

    AND HOTSHOTS ARE NOT 6000 VOLTS!!!  SHARK is a lying imbocile.  Show me a video of him using a hotshot on himself & PROVE IT!!  Just as Kevin said, "C" cell batteries CANNOT produce 6000 volts of electricity.  LOOK IT UP YOURSELF & STOP BELIEVING WHAT YOU SEE & HEAR ON YOUTUBE!  You may as well read the tabloids, there is much fact in there as there is on YouTube.

    Nobody is going to convince you otherwise, because you are a child & not educated enough to form an INTELLIGENT opinion, but here you go....

    The electric chair used to kill people used a MINIMUM of 2000 volts.  A SINGLE "c" cell battery, like those used in flashlights, hotshots, etc. are 1.5 MAXIMUM volts.  That is ONE point FIVE volts.  It would take 4000 "c" cell batteries to generate 6000 volts.  Now, IF 2000 volts of electricity will KILL a human, don't you think that 6000 volts would kill a calf, steer, horse or bull??  THINK ABOUT IT!!!!

    DO YOURSELF A FAVOR.....LEAD, do NOT follow!!!!!!!!


    BRAVO John....unfortunately it won't do any good.  This person would rather believe ONE video which was MOST LIKELY doctored & ONE person who knows NOTHING about rodeo or the people who compete or provide livestock.  I would like to see this Hindi person PROVE that ONE SINGLE thing he says has even a microscopic bit of truth.  I could take pitures or video of ANY animal related competition & find ONE SINGLE thing that happened by ACCIDENT & blow it out of proportion by plastering it all over Youtube where where the uneducated, unintelligent go to let people tell them how & what to think.  I think I will go out & find me one of those 6000 volt hot shots though, could save time when having a BBQ.

    6000 volts!!!  WHAT A MORON!!!


    What?  She's a kiwi?

    Well, I must say, the New Zealander's I know are sure a WHOLE lot more intelligent than this one, FOR SURE!!!  In fact, the New Zealander's I know are surprise surprise Bull riders & bronc riders in RODEO!!!


    Pagan:  you can't be serious!!!  Black Beauty & Ferdinand????  What are you 10?

    As for your friend's horse, just because a horse is either ill trained or bad mannered or people shy does NOT automatically say the horse was abused.   Most broncs are NOT made, they are bred, but even back when I was a kid, dad use to bring in ex-broncs that had decided to stop bucking & grandad & his best friend would retrain them.  MANY times, horses JUST BUCK!  training or the lack of, treatment good or bad or breeding mean nothing, sometimes horses just buck & some horses just plain have a loose s***w, PERIOD.  NOT ALL WERE ABUSED!  Sometimes, people who own broncy horses will take them to a stock contractor for a try out to see if the horse will work in bareback or saddle bronc riding.  If they don't, the slaughter house is the next stop.

    So, I guess what you are saying is that ALL rodeo animals should just go to slaughter instead of doing what they were bred for & love, correct?

  20. I bet SHARK just sits around eating their veil watching their youtube counter yelling"hey we got another!" As a person who has supplied and knows people who supply roping steers and knowing several of the major bucking bull breeders(Ace of Spades, The Castillos, 4 C's), I've had the priveledge to experience and see how these animals live outside the rodeo circuit. Hmm. Getting to sit in a large pasture with all the forage, breeders cubes, and heifers you want sounds like a darn aweful life to me. Cause heaven forbid SHARK looks away from all the starving, crippled, and neglected animals in their own cities.

    IT's the newest turnip truck trend to bash decent people who are out making a difference in the world such as PRCA having their "Tough Enough To Wear Pink" rodeos and donating money to The McDonald house and St. Judes hospital. But h**l, a 2,000 lb bull can't handle his fragile little self.

    EDIT: Let me guess that SHARK and you are also against the use of hot wire fences. Cause we shouldn't let our poor little fragile 1,000 lbs horsies that could so easily kill us if they felt the want- instead we should let them run FREE!!! FREE FREE!!!!

    I wish SHARK would just stick their hand on a hot wire and leave it there. Maybe then they'll get a clue. I've been hit with many different kinds of hot shots, even the one they claim was being used at the Cheyenne Rodeo(hot shot power mite) and it's made for swine. It barely made my legs tingle when I got hit with it.

  21. i answered this question before and i agree so much with femroper, john, kevin and i dont think that it is cruel and people agreeing with you are most likely from a different country and they  dont know what their talking about because rodeo is an american sport and if they think jumping is good for a horse its not because all the weight is coming down on the horses front feet  and i like rodeos because im a cowgirl and love barrel racing and rodeos have bucking straps on the broncs and horses


    horsecrazy09: when you have to break a young horse he/she doesnt want anyone on their back whats the difference you most likely never broke a horse to ride

  22. It depends on who is hosting the rodeo. Pro Rodeo and breed shows generally have a lot invested in their animals and do not want to see them hurt for any reason. It's the unofficial and high school rodeos that employ untrained and ruthless handlers. Example the PBR bucking bulls are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and are bred to buck, from weanlings they can strap a dummy to them and they'll buck it straight off. Some of them are mean and some are friendly, same with the horses in the pro rodeo. Sure they spur them, but the experienced riders focus more on the movement of their feet and keeping balance than actually spurring. It's style not cruelty that is the focus. I do not support high school rodeo (barrel racing and such is fine) because of the number of injuries sustained because of inexpert trainers and riders.    

  23. This has been covered once today.  Is that where you got your idea for your question?  

    I'm NOT giving a terrorist organization any kind of ratings.  Not even one of my 'view points.'

    And people who don't know anything about rodeo or stock contractors need to get educated.

    **EDIT...6000 volts???  Now you have removed all doubt as to being UNINFORMED and UNEDUCATED!  

    BTW...I'm a licensed journeyman electrician...I am "officially" calling bullcrap on that one!

  24. I think SHARK is about the most biased source you can find.

  25. you believe what you see....rodeos are not cruel....plain and saw a video and for some reason you think you are sorry girly... your

    ..i was the one who posted the question earlier about you tube...that is why people think it is so horrible...cause they saw a video....please grow up

    EDIT...or instead of using these animals for sport ..... we should slaughter them all...cause what else would we do w/ them... we gripe and gripe about them being mistreated but there would be just that many more animals going to slaughter if we didnt use to do....

    kevin and john....i like you :) lol

    EDIT AGAIN: what state is it illegal to use a freaken hot lost on that.....

    OMG EDIT AGAIN.......6000 volt of cause i have been shocked w/ one many time.....and since i can laugh about it (cause im a big baby when it comes to pain)  its really not that bad.....and bovine skin is actually extremely thick.....

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