
Role of historian in writting history?

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Role of historian in writting history?




  1. Historians do not write history - they research the facts and record them as they understand them, so a bit of interpretation is involved. They write about history and in some notable cases flavour it with their own preconceptions.

    I am currently writing a series of history books about the English 12th century, an era which has previously been seriously neglected by historians. In some cases I am having to use educated guesswork, since there is no evidence from the time for certain items- but there is for earlier and later periods.

    Therefore it is a matter of making assumptions. It would be completely wrong to present these assumptions as fact - they must always be flagged up as "speculation" rather than truth.

    This is the area which distinguishes credible historians from cranks and crackpots, who have great difficulty in distinguishing speculation from fact.

  2. group of blind giving description of an elephant that they didn't see to a deaf person.

  3. People do learn from the experiences of others. We do not have time and means to learn everything from our own experiences. This is the job of hiostorians to narrate us the past experiences.

  4. I believe the role of the historian in writing history (if that was meant to be the question) is to record not only the factual events--which are often enough distorted--but the facts leading up to the decission, political climate, differing opinions, popular styles, state of the ares the events are taking place in, state of the people on both sides of the events, expressions and their meanings, technology and weather.  I probably could amend this for a while.

    The short version is:  A historian needs to freeze a period in time so well that future questions can be answered.  One of the finest examples of this in antiquity is Herodotus.

  5. historian plays a very important role in writting history .Historian has full knowledge of what is happend in the past.He will conducted full and detail study of particular subject  which helps him to know exact things that has happend .

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