
Role play ???

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how could we explain to children not to stereotype in role play example girls can dress up as pirates and boys can dress upa s fairies?




  1. You may get some angry fathers knocking at your door if you dress their sons up as fairies.

    I would suggest letting them choose what gender outfits to wear for a roleplay game. Lessons are more effective when not forced.

  2. I just answered this in a post a couple before you.  Are you in the same class? I would stay out of the way and not impose any s*x values on the play.  If the community "class" decides this is OK within what they are doing then what is the problem? When you become involved in what is OK and not OK, then you are now responsible for the choices.  This is a cultural question about the community you are responsible for.  Perhaps the answer lies within the costumes you have facilitated for this dramatic play.  Perhaps you could introduce costumes that were not so stereotypically representative of gender. This is pretty much the ends of each spectrum Pirate/ are almost encouraging sexual stereotyping in this to me.  Who cares if the girls want to be pirates and the boys want to be fairies....oh, its the parents!  I would think about this more.  Some battles are not chosen correctly.  If you are adamant about this go forward.  if you know this will be a huge debate that you are not ready for, then stay out of the way and/or introduce more character roles for this play.  Good Luck

  3. There are lots of stories to help to bring this to the attention of children. Biff and Chip have lots of adventures dressed in non stereotypical clothes. Research and add the books to story time.

  4. Have images and photos around the room showing a range of non-stereotypes eg: A male nurse/female doctor, woman police officer, male childcarer etc...this way the children will see that it is 'normal' to find different people in differnet roles.

    Have dressing up clothes and toys that allow girls and boys to access them-eg: non girly nurse outfits.

    Play alongside them and encouraging correct vocab eg: police OFFICER, fire FIGHTER...

    Do not make jokes if a boy is wearing a dress or pink, or a girl has a 'mans' hat being the model and talking to children who do say something that is not really the attitude you want they will learn.

    Read stories with the group that show different images, roles, cultures etc.

    Don't just have pictures of stereotyping dress: eg: not all muslims wear hijabs, not allJapanese are geishas!!!!

    Speak to parents: explain you are trying to combat stereotyping so if they can support from home it'll be great!

    (By doing the above the children will absorb what is hapening and this will soon be reflected in their play-they will see it as 'normal')

    -I normally explain by asking them why they think that eg: "why cant callum wear the dress?" and then go by what answer ef: "girls wear them" I might say "Native indians wear long skirt, scottish wear kilts" maybe show them a picture...or I'll say "well Callum is a boy and he's wearing so it's not just girls!" and they accept that answer and move on :)

    If u are female wear something traditionally male, or vise versa and they will gain experience of seeing someone dressed in non-stereotypical clothing!

  5. maybe put on a play where the girls are the pirates and the boys are fairies. Peter pan maybe?

  6. Leave a bunch of dress ups in a cubby house or behind a partition. At 4 years old most kids have already learnt what is socially acceptable and what isn't, so very few boys will actually dress in "female" roles, if anyone is watching.

    You can read books about males and females doing no-traditional roles, get a male nurse, a female doctor/astronaut. Read books about girl pirates, or boy ballerinas.

    Be very sensitive with your approach as these aren't your kids (I'm assuming) and their parents may not be happy if you encourage their sons to dress as fairies.
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