
Roller Coaster? [best answer=10 pts]?

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So tommorow my friend is going on her amusmant park trip with her school. She is really scared of going on coasters, and i can't convince her to go! She doesn't want to be embarrased and not go, so what should she do? She won't listen to me and doesn't want to go




  1. either go big right off the bat or ease her in.

    i'm a fan of getting them to go on the biggest ride. 4 siblings i took it easy with rollercoasters and they are scared. took my little sister right on giant drop at 6 flags great america and she loves rollercoasters now.

  2. my school all went to PNE and i didn't want to go too so i didn't.

    i'll tell ya, there was about a thousand people who asked "why didn't you goooooo???"  

    but i dont care. i'll go some other time when i want to, with my friends.

    if she doesnt want to be embarassed and not go, tell her to go but don't go on the rides. she doesn't have to, going on rides isn't that important in life, really.

  3. if she is not ready to go on a coaster, it shouldn't be pushed. some people are really afraid of coasters (like some are of the dark) and facing your fears may not be the best when surrounded by peers. why not offer to take her, just you and her and maybe a few really close family or friends and start her off small.  she may love it, she may hate it. remind her that she doesn't have to go on the coasters to have fun at the amusement park. maybe she'll be the official photographer and get all the great shots of her classmates. there is lots of yummy junk food, and fun games to play too. she really should be encouraged to go for the experience of hanging with her classmates...she may not get another chance like this again! Good luck, I hope you can talk her into at least going!

  4. Get her to go on a small coaster first.  She'll realize that it is not that bad.  Work your way up.  Make sure to ride an inverted coaster if they are there.  Most people enjoy them (more than any other type).

  5. well if ur a guy tell her ull hold her hand

  6. tell her, just to try it, and tell her its not bad at all. maybe have an adult tell her its not really scary at all. they may listen to an outsider more than a friend

  7. ask her what she is scared of. becuase there really isnt anything to be scared of

  8. tell her that roller coasters are nothing.they are proven to be super safe,they wouldnt be there if they wernt. they also dont seem as big once you get on it.i get freaked out before i get on one,but then it is all fun. if she still doesnt want to,have her find friends who feel the same way. they can go on the smaller rides,and check out some games that amusement parks have to offer. if it is with her school,it is probaly mandatory.and if it isnt,she probaly already said that she is going if it is tomorrow. she really should go,they are really fun even if the big rides arent for you.

    good luck!!


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