
Rollercoaster trama?

by Guest63919  |  earlier

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I am scared to death of Rollercoasters and yet haven't rode on one in my whole life. I'm 15. I just have a great fear of fast rides, yet I always feel like I'm missing out. Do have an Idea on how I can get over my fear and get on one?




  1. start with a SHORT small one..... i felt the same until i tried it... now im addicted!!!

  2. try going on one that's not that scary. by the end of it, you'll be craving more.

  3. OMG i went through the same thing!! I just went to six flags and it was my first time riding a roller coaster.

    I had SO MUCH FUN!! So i told my other scared friend who didnt go on it tht she missed out big time!! Before we went on it, i was balling my eyes out because i was so scared, when we were going up, i was praying to god that i dont want to die!! THEN I WENT DOWN AND HAD A WEIRD BUTTERFLYISH FEELING IN MY TUMMY. I LAUGHED, SCREAMED AND SMILED FOR THE CAMERA!!! i cant believe i never went on one of those!! I AM SO HAPPY I DID!!

    and when we pulled up when it was over with i was cracking up with my roller coaster experienced friend and i wanted to go on again..[=

    hit me up on IM jazzrox000

  4. go on one that isn't fast then you'll go crazy and want more and more until your a heartless greedy horse radish covered in puke!hahahahhahah! sorry i don't know what i was typing back there but ya they are fun so you should go on it and pick me for best answer and stuff..... and.....


    an egg.

  5. don't be a baby. just do it

  6. Try something small and simple. Next time you go to an amusement park, look at the rides and decide whether you can handle them. Ask people which of the rides is "wimpiest" because a fear of fast rides calls for a wimpy ride. Find as much info about them as possible before you go. I was the same as you. Afraid of fast rides (and huge hills). But after I tried one a couple of weeks ago, I loved it. Then I went on my first loop coaster 2 weeks ago, and I rode it twice! Just don't think about the scary parts, it's fun once you are into it a way. And it's alright to close you eyes on the ride, too, if you want. You'll be nervous at first (I was), but as soon as you're on it, you'll be fine. Good luck! :)

  7. start with a small one and go from there, they're not bad

  8. start small.go on one with not alot of hills and thats close to the ground.then work your way up

  9. You are missing out! HAve you ever rode your bike down the street as fast as you could. It's better than that. What could be worse than trying it. THE SECRET IS: every rollercoaster only last about 30 sec. long. Surprising huh! I love rollercoaster and can tell you when I go, the first ride I am always nervous! After that, it's on! My 5 year old went on all the rides when she got to the scariest one, she did it. One or two she didn't want to ride again but, two years she is begging to go on it. It is a mind set thing. You need to try it, it will be the best 30 -45 seconds of your life and you may kick yourself for not trying it sooner. Don't let life pass you by, try it, you won't regret it, unless you are one of the ones who end up pucking all over you! Sometimes people with weak stomachs, don't do so well. The test is can turn in circles, for awhile and not get sick. If yes then, GO FOR IT!

  10. i was the same way. i was terrified of rollercosters for the longest time. the only way i was able to get over my fear was when i just went for it. i sucked it up and just got on, and hoped for the best. IT WAS AMAZING! just have a positive attitude because if you keep saying you are gonna hate it, then you will. now i LOVE rollercoasters and ive been to almost every theme park in california, and some theme parks in other states and have been on tons of rides. just go for it because you cant face you fear if you dont get on a ride. chances are, you'll love it

  11. just do it, trust me i use to be like that but once u go on your first one.

  12. ride slow ones for a while, then medium ones, then start going on the super fast ones. It will build up ur confidence and u'll get bored of the slow ones and medium ones so u'll want to go on the fast ones. ♥
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