
Romanticism is "specifically"---what?

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Romanticism is "specifically"---what?




  1. to be completely consumed or absorbed in ones hobby.

    achieving enlightenment through inspiration.

  2. one's quest in discovering his/her love towards his/her surroundings or better yet, the nature itself.

  3. The art of seduction under the guise of love.

  4. People have argued about this for over a 100 years now. Romanticism ala Rousseau sought a rejection of corrupt city life and a return to nature.The early Romantics were fixated on love, wild scenery, exotic places, strange tales and even ghost stories. The Romantics were sure that the heart was a better guide to morality than was reason. For this people charged them with anti-intellectualism.

    By about the 1830's Romanticism spurred a huge new interest in nationalism, especially on the language of the chosen country, its music, folkways, and so on. It also had a huge impact on music. For the first time the words in an opera reflected the emotion of the scene.

    Romanticism also had a strong interest in drug usage. In very many ways the Hippie movement was a modern continuation ot the Romantics.

  5. basically it was a movement which had stemmed from the growing dissatisfaction of the rise in social ideology at the time (we're talking about early 19th century). The mainstream ideals at that time revolved around the principles of an ever growing polarized society (as covered by Rousseau - Discourses of Inequality), also the decaying of conservative values, and the life draining instruments that society had to offer.

    Romantics basically wanted to revert back to what life on earth was about, and to ignore all of that monotonous clutter that ws plaguing society. They intrigued themselves with primarily nature, which was complimented with love, exploring the spectrum of him emotion and tendencies. Romanticism primarily focused on the mediums of art and literature.

    Well known romantics include: lord byron, turner, bronte sisters,  william blake etc.

    hope it helps. Romanticism in a nutshell

  6. Seeing a forest for its beauty, not its timber value.

  7. "Romanticism holds that Spirit, or the Absolute, is essentially creative; the ultimate ground of all things is primarily an urge to self-expression, and all that it has brought into being is but a means to its fuller self-realization. If the Absolute of Fichte is a moralist, and that of Hegel a logician, then that of the Romanticists is primarily an artist."

    Dictionary of Philosophy; Runes

    "Romanticism is the conceptual school of art. It deals, not with the random trivia of the day, but with the timeless, fundamental, universal problems and values of human existence. It does not record or photograph; it creates and projects. It is concerned—in the words of Aristotle—not with things as they are, but with things as they might be and ought to be."

    Ayn Rand

    'nuff said

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