
Romeo & Juliet Help?

by Guest45113  |  earlier

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For english, I have to "provide...famous people who could portray each of the 15 major roles in the play Romeo & Juliet"

Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, Mercutio, Benvolio, Lady Capulet, Lord Montigue, Friar Lawrence, Prince Esculas, Paris, Tybalt, & the other 4. (?)

I need some examples & why! Like maybe Zach Efron for Romeo b/c he's young & falling/looking for love.. (EX)

but I REALLY need some ideas, even just a few would help MAJORLY & would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! =D




  1. "Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, Mercutio, Benvolio, Lady Capulet, Lord Montigue, Friar Lawrence, Prince Esculas, Paris, Tybalt, & the other 4. (?)"

    Did you actually read the play?

    Read it, then try doing your own homework rather than asking answers to do it for you!

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