
Ron Paul and Alex Jones

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America we as a whole need to all get out and protest and take back our rights. We are loosing everything. Let's all stop boasting in our stupid pride and work as a one, meaning peoples of all walks of life and color and march for our freedom. I guarantee that if America as a whole did this it would work. We can hold up signs claiming how we feal and signs that say "we're not going to take it." We have each other never forget that. If we can do this while respecting the police great. What's the most they can do shoot a few rubber bullets and arrest us all??? There aren't enough jails to hold us all!!! Keep rallying for our rights and just do it! Remember it's not We the government but, We the people.




  1. I used to listen to Alex Jones a lot. I stopped listening because he never really offered solutions to this bigger problem. I really don't think signs are going to work since it didn't in the 60's. We have to be creative, because that is going to trick them the way they have tricked so many Americans. In our household we participate in silent protest. We don't invest our money in insurance, we don't eat mcdonalds, taco bell, or any other fast food joint (believe it or not!), we cook all our meals at home, we use environmentally safe detergent, we don't wear makeup or pay big bucks to "look pretty", we are not overweight, we are not illness ridden with allergies or other things which encourage this terrible medical system, we are not duped into thinking that working more gets us more, becuase what it really gets us is more stress and more ills. We don't think about money which is what they want you to preoccupy your time with so that you will get stressed out, take on extra jobs and eventually become sick so that the medical establishment can get you on tons of drugs that you are told you need for the rest of your life. We live close to work so 40 dollars in gas lasts us two weeks.....ouch a serious slap in the face of war and oil mongers and we walk whereever we can to save the earths nrg. When all americans start silent protest then we will have made a statement bigger than any sign or letter to corrupt politicians could get us! I hope you join in the silent fight against a covert enemy. Thank you for being part of the bigger picture. YOu are loved.  

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