
Roommate's bike in living room?

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I share an 800 square foot apartment with two other college students and we each have our own bedrooms, though they are somewhat small. We also have a kitchen, eating area, a bathroom and a living room. So it's small without a lot of room for extra stuff.

One of my roommates has decided to get not one, but two bicycles. She insists on keeping both of them inside, in our small living room. She can't really put them in her room, as it's too small and she refuses to lock them up outside (her excuse is that "they might get stolen."

Most people can get by on a bike, but she has to specialize. She has a "road bike" and her "mountain bike" and she "has to have both of them.

So now we have two bicycles sitting in our living room. For the other roommate and I, this is an issue. The apartment is already not very big. So having two bikes sitting in the living room is really imposing her choices on the two of us. It's especially annoying when we have people over.

What should we do?




  1. Um, where does she keep them when she rides them somewhere? ...Not outside, right? *eye roll*

    She's living in a shared space. This means she needs to SHARE it with the two of you. It's really selfish of her. I agree with checking your lease agreement. Mine also states we're not allowed to have bikes inside. If she gets a decent lock and even takes her front wheel off, no one will take them.

    Who wants a bike with no front wheel?

  2. Tell her to get a U-lock for her bikes (one for each) and pass the lock through the frame and rear wheel, such that the frame and rear wheel (the two most expensive components of the bike) are simultaneously locked to the bike rack. Bikes locked this way, in a public area, are difficult to steal. There is no reason to keep them indoors.

  3. You and your other roommate should have a sit down with her and let her know you both do not want the bikes in the living room due to lack of space for all three of you.If they are locked up outside securely no one will be able to steal them.Tell her to take the front tires off of both,no one will mess with them.She should respect you guys since you are all sharing a home.

  4. Agreeing with Rhonda.  Check over your lease contract again too.  On my current contract, I'm not allowed to keep bikes in my apartment.  Your contract may say the same thing.

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