
Rottie has kennel cough! Please help!?

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I can see shes realy distressed but I can't get her to the vets until tomorrow due to the time! Is there any way I can comfort her through the night or anything I can giver her to make her feel better? I hadnt ever even heard of this problem before until I looked up her symptoms on the internet. please help, shes never really been ill before as shes always been well looked after. thanks





  1. Just keep her calm and let her rest in a quiet place. Activity or excitement will cause them to cough more. Pressure in the collar will do that as well, so if you have to take her out for a walk, make it short and calm.

    My dog is just recovering from it after getting it from a daycare center. She started feeling a lot better after taking the antibiotics from the vet. Still though, my vet recommended no heavy acitivity for a few days because he didn't want the infection to spread into the lungs.

    Hope this helps. She should feel a lot better after the vet. Your vet should also give you some cough supressent. I only gave it to my dog at night, because that was when she was coughing the most. During the day, she was ok.

  2. this is what happened to my rottie. i got her a doggie massage and she was fine! look for local dog massage peple

  3. It's so easy for them to catch- I had mine injected and one still caught it- just sit up with her andtry to encourage her to drink water, give her lots of attention so she isnt as scared

    Hope she feels better soon!

  4. give her some childrens benylin cough mixture, this was actually recommended by my vet when one of my three had it. Seems some of our medicines work for dogs as he also said use pepto bismol for diarreaheo when my GSD has an upset tummy, it really works even though he hates the taste but then who wouldn't, its gross!. Obviously you should only use human medicine with recommendation from a vet.

  5. My dog Ben has been sort of diagnosed to-day after a pretty bad nose bleed. He has been coughing for a couple of days and losing mucous from his nose. I have been given antibiotics but the vet is unsure if it is kennel cough as my poor boy has cancer (adenocarcinoma of the r****m). To get back to the point in desperation i tried 8 drops of eucalyptus oil in boiling water in a large bowl and put this on the floor while he was asleep on the couch it really did the trick. i hope this helps.

    Good Luck x  

  6. Don't worry, I have never heard of a dog dying from kennel cough.

    Both my puppies had it, and all you have to do is wait for the vet, they will give you antibiotics that will help fight secondary doesn't really treat kennel cough. Its just like a cold for us, and you just have to let it run its course.

    All I did was give my puppies attention and make sure they were comfortable, like giving them a blanket and making sure they weren't too hot or cold.

    Sorry you are going through this I know how much it sucks.

    I was cleaning great dane boogers off my wall for a week.

    Good Luck

  7. It does stink, and it's sad to see them coughing, but she'll be okay soon.  I actually gave mine a small dosage of children's Benadryl, which relaxed and eased the coughing symptoms.  Yes, this is okay, but only a small dose.  HTH!

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