
Royal Referendum ???

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If the UK had a Royal Referendum and all the Queen lost all titles regarding the countrys within the UK, Would she also automaticaly lose all other titles in:

Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

or would each country have to hold its own Royal Referendum ???

So could she give up the UK and live out her days just being Queen of Canada ???




  1. No,She would still be the Queen of the other countries where she is the head of government.She said,when she became Queen,that she would serve until she died,There is nothing in our unwritten constitution,that provides for her to abdicate here and become Queen of the other countries that you mentioned,as the next in line to the throne,would automatically become the reigning monarch.

  2. If a referendum were held here in UK concerning the continuation and the monarchy then the most likely outcome is a massive vote in favour of retaining the monarchy.

    Yes, I know, everyone thinks UK is teetring on the edge of becoming a republic but this is simply not the case.

    Even those of us like myself, a lifelong Socialist, do not want a republic for the simple reason, that so long as we have a monarch, then we will not have a dictator.

    It's that simple and you have to understand that the British people are very sophisticated in the matter of their own governance.

    In any event, it remains a matter for those countries who already have the Queen as head of state, either to stay with the monarchy or do otherwise.  People can make their own choices.

    Take the case of Canada.  It has the queen as head of state but should Canadians decide to become a republic, then Canada would very quickly become just another part of the USA, if not in fact, at least in the minds of people living outside Canada.

    HM Queen Elizabeth II first Christmas broadcast 1957



  3. No. She would still be the recongized head of state of all those countries, and to remove her, referendum's would have to be held in all those countries.

    However, if the referendum happens, the outcome would be in favour of keeping the royal family - with a huge majority.

    I don't know why everyone thinks that the UK is teetering on the edge of Republicism. Most of us are very proud of our monachy, and the long history and hertiage it has.

  4. I'd imagine if she lost the U.K titles, then she'd lose everything. All the titles must come under the same heading as Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. and the Commonwealth, and if she lost the main one, all the others would follow.

  5. Since the monarch is more powerful than and is above all government, it is not possible to throw her out under current law.

  6. No, she'd still be Queen of those other countries until they had a referendum that removed her as Head of State. The last country to hold a referendum on replacing her was Australia and they voted to retain her as Head of State.
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