
Royal family Executions...?

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I know it makes sense to kill the whole family so no one can rise to power again, but I mean killing children isnt that a little too much?




  1. the people who kill dont really care, all they want is that there is no heir to the throne like Princess Anastasia, the last grand duchess and her brother and sister. They even killed her darling little dog!!!

  2. Too contra verse question.

    Executions that's not necessary, anyway there"Jobs" will always be filled up by others in government.

    Still when you remember the French Revolution, that was necessary people starve on the streets when the rich had there grotesque parties at the court.

    Remember what Marie Antoinette said" When they can't buy bread then they have to eat tart!".No wonder people got angry,and the be headings started.

    Robespierre the one who came on the head that time was not that good also, by the way he also lost his head at the end together with the man who invented the Guillotine, Monsieur Guillotine.

    So always places will be filled up, is it not by Royals then it's by a Dictator.

  3. well there was the business with tsar nicolas II and his family in russia during the civil war there but if the communists lost the west would have stuck anaybody on the throne but the west lost and russia only became a bit better then it did under the tsar

  4. If you kill the royal family, what will you put in their place?

  5. y would u do that when they can slowly kill each other off 1 by 1

  6. Say they have a son 10 years old.  In just 10 years he can be 20 lead an army to displace you and those favorable to his father the king views him as having royal blood.

    So this was the custom to kill all living airs to ensure this didn't happen.  It was either you kill all those who opose your rule or you didn't rule very long,.

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