
Royal pride?

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What is the basis of all this heartfelt pride in our monarchy? Here we have a family who don't work for a living and are little more than a tax funded tourist attraction. No I'm not being anti-royal; I am just mystified where this deep love of our monarchs comes from. And yes, this is a genuine question.




  1. Well I am a DS (democratic socialist) so I don't like the monarchy.

  2. People like the romanticism of being part of a royal family.  The majority of fans are women, and what little girl didn't want to be a princess when she grew up?  I'm American and I see plenty of people around here that are obsessed with the royal family.  Who cares about somebody else's queen?!  Everyone in the states was obsessed with the Princess of Monaco because an American girl was actually a princess (way before my time).  It's just a fantasy thing.

    I wouldn't want to be part of the royal family.  I don't doubt they work hard being figureheads for the country and making public appearances all the time.  Though, it's not like anybody really needs them.  

    I'm with you.  I'm sick of everyone loving them so much.  I don't hate them.  I just dislike all of the obsessed people out there that have nothing better to do than gossip about Princess Dye conspiracy theories.

  3. You clot You think the queen does not work I wonder just how hard you will be working when you are in your eighties She has given a lifetime of service to this country which is obviously little appreciated by people like yourself. Wake up mate and get real.  Our deep love for her comes from our very real appreciation of her honest lifetimes WORK.

  4. The tone of your question suggests you don't really want an honest discussion, just people who agree with you.

    But here goes:

    1) a sense of loyalty. Everyone needs to feel a connection with something. In the US they revere their flag. To me, a flag is a piece of cloth. Whereas the Monarch is the living embodiment of the state. She connects us to our history, our present and ensures the future.

    2) the Monarch is the person of last resource when you have a problem. Subjects can appeal to the Monarch to look into their case. This is very important for when bureaucracy goes awry. Not that she can order something, but an inquiry from the Palace can break through red tape.

    3) during the wars, the Monarch was a rallying point. He was a figurehead to help inspire the troops. Remember, Hitler described the late Queen Mother as the "most dangerous woman in Europe". That's because that tiny woman had a will of steel.

    4) you claim the royal family a tax funded. Yup, they get about 40 million pounds from the treasury to fund their operations. How much does a presidency cost? More, if it's the US. BUT, the Monarch turns over the revenues from the Crown Estates to the Treasury. So, she's giving up more than two pounds for every pound she receives. BTW, tourism in Britain is worth about 85 billion pounds. It's one of your largest industries, and without the royal family it would drop substantially.

    5) It's a decent tradition. Every country has to have some traditions. Monarchy, believe it or not, provides stability.

    6) I am not religious, so when people believe in a god, I don't get that. But I don't say they're wrong or have to give up their beliefs because of mine. And that's one of the things a Monarch provides: personal freedoms.

  5. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

    In today's world, a monarchy is about as useful as whalebone corset stays and buggy whips.

    The entire collection of "royals" is a farce.  I am glad my ancestors had the good sense to leave Europe and come to America.

  6. I totally agree with the pointlessness of the monarchy or, may I rephrase that, I don't understand why we are so obsessed with their affairs. The whole Diana inquest, I think, deserves burying and forgetting about. Of course, I'm not saying forget it ever happened, yet it is pointless to keep on cogitating it decades on. Anyway, that's beside the point. Rant over.

  7. But they DO  work.  All of them have a working place in society.  Well, with the exception of Harry and the children, anyway.  Even when he was pretty young, William was working.

    You just don't see it, because it doesn't look like work to you.  But just try living in a fishbowl for a couple of days.  The whole world watching you, waiting for you to s***w up so they can lambast you, not just you, of course, but you and everything you stand for, and in 70 point banners across every newspaper in the world.  

    They head up all sorts of charitable organizations.  That's actually work.  People get paid in the US for doing that work, why shouldn't they?  They work in the military, most of the men have done their duty for the country.  OK, they won't ever be put right up in the front lines, but Andrew is a pilot, which means he REALLY works, and he has seen action, and continues to work with whichever branch, isn't it the Navy?  

    Charles worked in the military, too, as have William and, frighteningly, Harry did his turn, too.  

    I hate it when everyone says that the Royal Family does nothing.  Okay, they don't have to clean the dishes after dinner, but then, neither do plenty of rich people.  

    Give them a break, eh?

  8. The British Royal Family are not freeloaders and quite a few considered themselves lucky to have such an outstanding Queen. Many pay taxes and some have "real jobs". And, they go to "work" everyday to preserve and support their country. They work for the benefit of the country in many ways.

    And, only a Queen would be expected to continue the schedule that Queen Elizabeth maintains. Now in her 80's she remains a model of dignity and grace and has the respect of millions around the world.

    best of luck to you!

  9. Wow great question! I'm with you and cannot truly fathom idolizing them at all.
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