
Rugby World Cup Concerns?

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Any concerns or controversy during the World Cup?

I didn't watch it.

It's for a piece of writing.




  1. Nonenzender has got some of the controversies correct. It is very flattering that he has identified that New Zealand is precious because in fact it is. (The spelling pwecious is a bit of a worry though).

    The ball pressure, Jersey colours and Pool rounds have never been disputed by the All Blacks or All Black management. These issue have been driven by the world media who as we know very rarely get it correct.

    New Zealanders know their rugby and are not sore losers. We have never whinged about being defeated by a better team. However, when the defeat is at the hands of incompetent match officials that’s another story. Personally I don’t think the All Blacks or their management said enough on this issue. I would like to know how other nations teams would have reacted?

    New Zealanders have every right to be pi@@ed at the incompetence of the officials in the quarter final against France. France was not penalised once in the second half.

    Following are some obvious errors made in the last 20 minutes of the game and definitely not open to interpretation. This is a report given by an impartial experienced referee (a nonenzeder) from the replay of the quarter final. There were many errors throughout the game but as I’m sure you are aware the last 20 minutes are the most crucial in any game of rugby. I challenge anyone with experienced referee status to view the game then argue against these findings.

    60.12 A ruck is call by Barnes – but Chabal still picks it up in a crucial turnover for France. Hands in the ruck. Again, a kickable penalty.

    60.53 France gets a penalty for Jerry Collins offside at a scrum. Wrong. The scrum had gone 90 degrees and should have been reset. The French No 8 had detached so Collins was legally allowed there; it just looked bad as the scrum had wheeled.

    64.53 French put up-and-under at about halfway, several players offside do not back up to the 10m line before they are put onside and at least two tackle the All Blacks, cutting down the options. Offside. Should have been a penalty for the All Blacks. This is another penalty the touch judges could have helped call.

    67.59 French throw forward pass and score. Barnes is coming across the field from the breakdown and behind the play. There are players obstructing his view and you just cannot guess if a pass is forward or not. Touch judge Jonathan Kaplan is only two metres behind with a clear view – surely he could have called this?

    73.58 French openside flanker is offside at ruck, cutting down options. Barnes lets it run – but it should have been a penalty.

    76.31 French have hands in ruck and are offside. Barnes is on the infield side. These offences should have been clearly obvious to touch judge Spreadbury.

    77.48 French number 21 and 9 miles offside and spoiling the ball. Barnes again on infield side – touch judges’ call.

    79.05 Advantage All Blacks, McAlister takes dropkick and misses. Barnes does not come back for the advantage – which would have been a kickable penalty. There has been debate among referees as to whether we should come back for the penalty in these situations as many of us believe advantage has actually been used in the drop goal attempt. I agree with this. However, a big game like a World Cup quarter-final is not the time for such ‘sharp practice’. Barnes may also just have forgotten to come back given all the pressure. Both ways he has erred.

    80.49 Turnover to France, but their players are offside. Should have been a kickable penalty to the All Blacks.

    Aah!! Come on nonenzeder tell us where are you from?

  2. also the amount of straight red cards when perhaps yellows were in order, high tackle on Chabal by Namibian number 8 for example, and other refereeing inconsistances, also touch judges having too much power!

  3. They should have peace of mind where it matters.

  4. First we had a advrtising campaign (of this earth)that "borrowed" the imagery and music off a famous war documentry (the civil war)..and who's intent seemed to be to draw parrellels between a particular rugby team and the "fallen".

    We then had a team member compare losing (a game of rugby ffs) to "war in the trenches"..

    The Ball became a massive concern and was blamed by a particular team...

    Then the jersey was a massive controversy and we actually had JerseyGate..and massive conspiracy theories..about the french..using darker colours..

    Then the ref was a massive concern...

    Then we finally had kidnapping and death threats towards the ref..

    And have acusations of "disrespect"...(like the supporters are "tooled up gangsters") or even racism... if you for example don't mention the team - in any conversation you may have about rugby..or say even the slightest thing that might be even a tiny bit uncomfortable.

    All of this from the pwecious nation of New Zealand -  who got knocked out in the quarters..

    God only knows what other controversies we would have had if they stayed they were just warming up...

    Participation in the world cup was definately not New Zealands finest hour, one can only try to not imagine - what the next one will be like..

  5. I think you need to look at the history of the game. Try and obtain footage of the Wallibies in the 80's. Compare this with todays games and you will note that over this time the rules have lead to a greater emphasis on goal kicks and drop goals.

    Look at the last two World Cup finals both have been boring. (regardless of the score) the quality of football was averge.

    The Super 14 was meant to be the life savour of Rugby and in the first 5 years it was a success  but lack of funding of the old Rugby teams such as Warringa, Wests, Manly, etc has seen the depth of quality disappear.

    Now the raids on Rugby League are common place in an attempt to prop up the Australian competition.

    The sport is in decline and the outlook is poor.

    We now need to ask is it time for the codes (league and Union) to merge.

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