
Rugby league or Rugby Union ??

by  |  earlier

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im of the opinion the later is for puffs




  1. Got to be rugby union far more skill full league is dying out wont be around much longer now its all professional.

  2. League. Your right

  3. To be honest, I can't tell them apart.  Both sports are played with an oblong-shaped ball that is carried by large men with tree trunks for legs.  They charge into each other, take part in scrums and lineouts, can only pass backwards and the main aim in both aims is to score a try by crossing the goalline of the opposition- the ball MUST touch the ground over the line to do this.

    Given that both sports involve a lot of bone-crunching tackles, I wouldn't dare call those who play either sport anything other than 'sir'.

  4. Rugby League is by far the better of the two.

    The scoring of tries is the ultimate way of winning a game, or it should be. In rugby league tries win matches, however in union it is often how many penalty goals that have been kicked that prove to be more beneficial to winning a game.

    The ball is kept in play on average about twenty minutes more in a game of league compared to union, therefore there is more action to watch and leads to more entertainment.

    League is tougher than union as there are know lineouts (used as a breather for the players), and as the ball isn't kicked out of play every couple of minutes the extra time that league players actually play rugby makes it tougher on their bodies.

    Saying all this, union is still a good sport but just not nearly as good as Rugby League.

    By the way I have never worn a flat cap, never had anything to do with pigeons, i'm definitely not homophobic, sexist, racist or ageist, and I have a degree from University.

  5. I'm with yah on that!

  6. Rugby union all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Union

    leauge is a noncy sport !!

  8. League, Union is for public school boys from the home counties. League if for proper men!! I remember all the Union players at uni, with their blond curly hair and cars that daddy bought them. Defiantly ponces!!!!

  9. Which has the larger following in the UK? Union

    Which is practised most widely internationally?  Union

    Which is the home of unintelligible pigeon fanciers ferret botherers? League

    Which is the lest audience friendly with constant stop start phases of play and default turnovers on the sixth tackle?  League

    Which is the preferred sport of homophobic peasants?  League

    Which has players who take pride in thrashing around on the floor when "tackled" like a landed fish?  League

    Which has contributed to the rise in popularity of both codes both as a spectator sport and participative sport nationally. Union

    Look at how many professional players have crossed over each way as an indication of which has more to offer the player

    Not that I'm being regionally prejudiced but there is only one winner and its not the sport of cloth cap wearing, pigeon fecal stained, unsophisticated simpleton, homophobic, Luddite, drinkers of warm flat beer.

  10. union

  11. everyone knows league isnt even a sport

  12. Union all the way!!! i dare you to say that to the ex england skipper and world cup rugby winner of 2003 MARTIN JOHNSON

  13. Union!!

    Way more skills req'd.  Allowing for more interesting strength v. weakness matches.  Pack play against backs, running game against kicking game, finding ways to outwit your oponents.  Not just game of "break the line".

    I haven't played league.  It looks like fun!

  14. I prefer UNION.

  15. isn't league where they all run round shouting chase me chase me then give em the ball back....

  16. Both games are great to play, They both require fitness and skill in both attack and defence. I think the defencive skills in league are of a slightly higher standard. However in saying that, the quality of defence in union has improved out of sight over the last 10 years.

    Anyone who thinks thats union isnt a very tough hard game is a fool. I challenge anyone to get caught at the bottom of a ruck and then tell me the game isnt tough.

    If union has one archilles heel, it is the technical nature of the game and how that leads to so many penalties. The constant blowing of the pea by the ref often drives spectators of the game nuts.

  17. League is for the wannabees of union and the ausies!!!!!!!!!!

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