
Rugby question..?

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When you are throwing the ball in rugby for a long pass, is it supposed to spiral?




  1. It helps the ball go further and more accurately if you cans spiral it.

    It's have a straighter flight and be more aerodynamic.

  2. Simple question, simple answer. Yes.

    It reduces drag, and check out when you pass what forces are in action with ur body.

  3. I depends.  If you throw it so it does spiral, then yes.  If you want it to get there faster and straighter, then putting a spin on it is an effective tool.  If you watch particularly line-outs (throwing to the back), you will see the hooker put a spin on the ball.

  4. you can't really go for a "long" pass in rugby since you can only throw backwards but yes its actually preferred that you spiral it. Just take both hands and sling it toward one direction and let one hand go first and let the other one trail a bit on teh ball as it leaves and that ll give it a nice spiral

  5. it isnt suposed to but it is better to because it gives the ball more speed and it is harder to intercept from a side on angle

  6. when throwing a long pass, i would recomend spirilaling it, it get to th player quicker and more accuratly

  7. As said previously, it doesn't have to, but it certainly helps the flight of the ball and keeps the pass more accurate.

  8. The ball won't necessarily spiral because it was a long throw, but spin [spiral] passes tend to get better distance. Spin passes are ideal in many situations, but sometimes takes a while to master. Many players don't pick it up for a while.

    Spiraling allows for the ball to go further and faster than other passes. As well as being hard to intercept, the pass is more accurate than other types of passes, assuming you threw it correctly. While spin passes are not ideal in all situations, it is well worth it to develop the skill of the spin pass to both your right AND your left.

  9. well i mean, its not mandatory. its more of a strategy. if the ball spins, its harder to be intercepted, easier to catch, and gets to the other player quickly. so, if you're looking for a good, clean pass then make it spiral baby!! =]

  10. it makes the pass easier and you have more accuracy but with practice you cn do long passes using a floating pass aswell

  11. The spin pass or spiral as you put it is done purposely to ensure the ball travels faster and more accurately, it is achieved by flicking the hand on the back side of the ball as you release it. yes it is beneficial when putting out a long pass.
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