
Running, sprints?

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I am a long distance runner and training for the half mile. Today I ran 3 miles in 25 minutes then after cooling down for 5, I ran 5 x 100. My problem is after about 80 meters or so I tend to slow down, like I have no energy. Are my muscles not cooperating because I'm tired? Or is there is a certain work out to improve my sprints and how long I can flat out sprint?




  1. I am a sprinter on my track team.  it really depends on your body build.  I'm a short guy but I have really strong legs.  The only problem is, the farthest I can keep a full out sprint is between 300-400 meters.  

    Keep yourself hydrated before, during, and after you run.  It usually keeps me going.

  2. You just don't have anymore energy. Like me, I run a lot and I get tired after about 2 miles but I push so I manage 3 sometimes then I sleep on the couch for half an hour.

  3. I am a sprinter. I do mostly relays. This is common for alot of people. Try doing this:

    sprint a half of a 100 (50 m) then walk another 50 m. then sprint, then jog. Do about 5-10  sets a day and this will improve your endurance, then start doing more sprinting. Sprinting 100's and what not.

  4. You can improve your sprints by keep working at it to get faster you also might eat an to eat a cliff or power bar before you run.
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