
Running Longer or Faster?

by  |  earlier

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I am participating in a 5k on July 26th and want to improve my time. Currently, I can run it in about thirty-four minutes. I've only recently been able to run three miles (total of about four times - I started running around June 21st/22nd). Should I keep running three miles at the schedule I'm setting so it becomes "easier" for me, or would my endurance improve if I tried doing four miles a couple times a week? I think I can do it, but I don't know if that would help my speed...

Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!




  1. to improve your race times, you need to follow a workout program, not just willy nilly running, but since that's what you'll be doing, get some long runs in and some strides after your runs.

    that will give you improvement guaranteed

  2. push your body to the extreme and 5k will be just a warm up for you, run longer and faster!

  3. how about both?

  4. yeah,

    1 - do your runs regularly until the day of the event comes.

    but phase yourself that ya do not overdo it & hurt yourself.

    2 - you need to have enough rest before the day's event

    3 - need the correct food & vitamin supplement so ya may not be depleted of the much needed energy for the grand event.

    4 - practice stamina techniques or workouts for rhythm so ya may not tire on the last mile runs

    5 - have plenty of replenishments during the run tourney

    good luck & after the event pls tel us the outcome

  5. run fast so you can get healty

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